Chapter 1

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(A/N) Hey guys! This is my first story, so I could really need some votes and stuff like that, please it would mean a lot to me :) 

I'll start a chapter with a little text from a song or a quote from time to time :) comment if you know what song it's from or who's quote it is! :D anyway, hope you'll enjoy this story! :)

"My heart can't possibly break, when it wasn't even whole to start with"

Chapter 1

Finally! The bell rang, signaling the end of school, the weekend had arrived. Everybody hurried packing up their books. I didn't want to hurry that much like everybody else. I had to spend this weekend with my so called 'boyfriend', Damian. I wasn't looking forward to this. My parents were on a business trip, which meant that Damian had to look after me the whole weekend. I tried to explain to my parents that I was fully capable of taking care of myself for a weekend, but they wouldn't listen.  

When I had finally finished putting my books in my backpack and put on my jacket, I went outside and waited for Damian to arrive. A few minutes later I saw Damian arrive in his car, music blasting out through his open windows. I could already feel the headache forming.  

I quickly ran to his car because I knew he didn't like to be kept waiting.  

"Hey Katie, how was school today?" He asked, pretending to actually be interested in my life.  

"It was fine Damian, you don't have to ask me that every day" I replied in a rather harsh tone.

Truth be told, I hated Damian. Yeah I know, we've been together for almost two years and I must admit: at first I really did love him.. He was that type of guy, girls would fall for all the time, you know the boy who was a couple of years older than you and was the school's bad boy.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that ever again!" He looked seriously pissed. I might hate him, but damn he still scared the hell out of me. He drove his house at a rather high speed, where I was supposed to stay for the weekend. He parked the car and pulled me out by my hair. I screamed out in pain and begged him to stop. He didn't listen. Of course he didn't. Damian dragged me inside and pulled me up against a wall. I let out a yelp in pain as my head hit the wall. He just laughed.  

"P-please, let m-me go" I begged. I began to cry, which earned me a slap from him. He forced his lips down against mine, I tried to get away from him, but he just blocked my way.  

"We can do this the easy, or the hard way. Your decisions." He said with a clear anger in his voice.  

"Please, let me go, I'm begging you!" I was truly terrified by now. He dragged me upstairs, lust playing in his eyes. I knew what this meant. He has done this to me a million times now.

Damian threw me in his bed, I closed my eyes, begging for it to stop. He ripped my T-shirt in two and let his hands run down all over my body. I tried to shake him off of me. But he just punched me in the stomach.  

"Stay still until I'm done!" He said, anger filled his voice. I felt him hovering over my body, his hands everywhere. Soon he ripped off my jeans, leaving me in my underwear. I finally made him stop. I wouldn't go any further. I was literally shaking. He got off of me. But not before he had punched me a few more times in the stomach. He smirked at my expression when I curled up into a ball and sobbed.  

"When will you cook me my dinner?" He asked calmly like nothing had happened. I continued sobbing.  

"I-I will b-be down in a m-minute" I said in between sobs.  

He went downstairs again, leaving me alone. I got out of bed and looked in the mirror. In front of me stood a girl with her auburn hair messed up, bruises all over her body and red, swollen eyes from crying.

I heard the front door open and went downstairs. I gasped when I saw who it was...


Cliffhanger! Sorry guys xD please vote, comment and fan :)

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