Chapter 6

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"Protect her, fight for her, kiss her, love her, hold her, laugh with her. But don't let her fall, if you don't plan to catch her."

Chapter 6

The next morning I woke up in my bed. I didn't remember anything from yesterday. The last thing I remembered was Mr. Cooper saving me from Damian. How did I get to my house? And to my room? I looked down at myself and found myself in the shorts and T-Shirt I always slept in. How did I get this on? Who did this? 'Mom, it must have been her.'  

I got out of bed, and felt the floor hit my face. First I laughed at my own clumsiness, but then I looked around and screamed.  

"Mr. Cooper! What the fuck are you doing on my floor?!" That was when I realized I was still on top of him. I quickly got off of him and starred at him, eyes wide open. He looked up at me, smiling a warm but worried smile.  

"You passed out after that guy was gone. Then you woke up again, but then you fell asleep, and I could tell you had nightmares. You've been sleeping since yesterday afternoon. Your parents weren't home, so I found your key in your pocket," he paused. Now he looked really worried.  

"I stayed with you, I didn't want you to be alone. And yes, I changed your clothes, but I swear I didn't look at anything!" He said and looked at me with an innocent expression on his face. I couldn't help myself, and began to laugh. I couldn't take him serious. 

"Katie.. Those bruises on your stomach... Who did that to you?" I immediately stopped laughing and looked away, trying the 'play dum-thing' 

"What bruises? I don't have any bruises," Corey took in a deep breath.  

"You know what I'm talking about!" And with that he pulled my shirt up a little, just enough to see some bruises. I gasped and pulled my shirt back down.  

"That's none of your business. I thought you said you didn't see-" I looked at the clock. And again, I gasped.  

"It's almost eight! Why didn't you wake me up?! I can never make it to school in that time!" I yelled, and yes, I was beginning to panic, I had never been late or missed school.  

"Katie, relax. I'm letting you stay home today, and I won't be going either. I don't want you to be alone, and I don't want you to go to school when you're sick. End of discussion," he said calmly.  

I didn't bother arguing. I knew he would win anyway.

I couldn't believe Mr. Coop- I mean, Corey was actually at my house. That he had actually stayed the night, just for me. It was unreal. Of course I knew it was real though, my face was a proof from hitting the floor. Yeah, my face thought it could be fun hitting the floor.. Stupid face.  

Downstairs was a note from my parents. They must have wrote it while I was at school. 

'Sorry dear, we had to stay at work for the next couple of days, love mom and dad'  

At first I was mad, but then I was very sad. I threw the paper away and ran to my room, I know it's just my parents, but still.. I didn't see them that much. I heard Corey yell my name, but I didn't care, I ran to my room and locked the door. I heard a soft knock on the door.  

"Katie? Please let me in," Corey said softly. I ignored it. I heard the front door open and then I heard Damian's voice. What the hell was he doing here?  

I rushed downstairs and there he was.  

"Katie, why the hell is this jerk at your house?" Damian asked, he was pissed. And I knew why. Corey did look hot and he looked at me with so much care. 

"He just g-gave me a ride home y-yesterday.." I was afraid. I was afraid of the punching that might follow. I looked up, Damian was angry, he looked like he wanted to kill me. Corey took me by arm and pushed me behind him, I guess it was because of the look in Damian's eyes.  

"D-Damian.. Just l-leave.. P-please.." I was on the edge of crying. He just wouldn't leave. I was about to say something when I heard Corey speak:

"Damian? So you are the one to go around punching Katie without any reason? Just leave her house, and leave her alone until she wants you in her life again," he sounded so calm and collected.. Like an adult. Like he was talking to one of his students. I was looking at Corey with surprise clearly showing in my eyes. He smiled at me for a brief second, then turned his attention towards Damian again.  

"And who the hell do you think you are?! What are you doing here with MY girlfriend? And what I do with her is none of your business!" Damian said, looking angrier than ever.  

Corey answered him in a calm voice and again asked him to leave, before he would hurt me again. Damian didn't want to leave, but eventually he did. I felt so tired and sad and angry. All these emotion were mixed up in my head. I didn't know how to feel.  

"Katie? Are you okay? You look a little pale," I looked at him, did he mean that?... Seriously, I knew that.. And I knew why..  

I hadn't been eating that much for the past couple of days.. Truth be told, I never really felt hungry. I haven't been really hungry since like a year or so ago.  

"I'm fine, Mr. Cooper." I said. And yes, I know I called him Mr. Cooper. I didn't want anything to happen, I mean I knew he was sweet and cute and all that other stuff but.. He is my teacher.. Nothing can happen between us.. Ever.

It might have been my imagination, but didn't he look like he actually cared about me? What does that mean? I wonder if he would help me with my math.. Lol, random comment..

The day went by pretty fast. Mr. Cooper surprised me several time during the day. He cooked me lunch and he DID help me with my math. He was so sweet.  

Unfortunately I think, just think, that he might have an idea to why I looked so pale. I almost didn't eat, of course I ate something, I mean, you have to eat something otherwise you would die.. Sometimes that does sound tempting.. It always does sound tempting when I'm with Damian and he would have one of his angry-days. Anyways, back to the story.

I sat in the living room with Mr. Cooper, talking about random stuff when I heard him change the subject.  

"Why is he being so cruel to you?" I was taken by surprise and didn't know what to answer. 

"Why did you even date him in the first place?"  

I still didn't know how to answer. He put an arm around my shoulder.  

"Today I'm not your teacher, I'm your friend, so please tell me what happened," he begged. I felt my eyes being filled with water. I tried to hold back the tears that were threatening. 

"I-I.. I can't tell you.. He would kill me if I did... He.. He didn't e-even w-want anyone t-to find out a-about it," I said in between sobs. Cor- I mean- Mr. Cooper pulled me to his chest. I let myself cry. It felt like we just sat there for hours. I liked having him this close. For the first time I felt safe. That was until reality hit me, school. I had to fork school the next day and face the people I hated the most. That should be interesting... Not!

(A/N) Photo on the right of Mr. Cooper!  Anyway I hoped you liked it and that it didn't get too boring! :) 

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