Chapter 3

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"If you to want know what a man is like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors not his equal"

Chapter 3

"I can see her!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I panicked and made a run for it. Even before I started running, I knew I wouldn't be able to outrun them. But I wouldn't give up without a fight!
I ran and ran until I had to stop for air. I had barely stopped before I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. The pain from his grip was growing. I let out a scream, but my mouth was soon covered with another hand. I struggled to get out of his grip, but I gave up eventually. I couldn't find the strength anymore.
"We got her Damian!" I heard one of his friends say. 'Oh God, please help me' I begged in my mind. But it was of course to late. Damian had already arrived and he did certainly not look happy. Damian took me by my arm and pulled me towards his car, placed me in the middle of two of his friends and drove to his apartment.

I'm actually a little choked he didn't do anything to me other than a slap and a few punches. But anyway, here I was, stuck in his fricking apartment. Let me tell you something, it sucked! I had to cook and clean. That was how my weekend went by. I know, sounds fun, right? (Note the sarcasm) so as you may understand, I was pleased when Monday arrived and I had to go to school again and go home to myself.

(A/N) i know, crappy short chapter! I'm sorry! Anyway, help me get some readers and fans, it would really mean a lot and motivate me to write more! :) hope you liked it :)
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