Chapter 16

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"Wait, what? Drop out of school? I-I can't do that.. What would my pare.. Oh.. You know what? I... Uhm.. Never mind. Can I think about it, before I answer that?" I asked him. Was that another way of asking me to move in with him? No, it couldn't be. He wouldn't want to live with someone like me. I would just be some extra weight on his shoulders.

"Katie? Love, can you hear me?" I heard a voice say. Of course I recognized that voice, I would be able to recognize that voice everywhere. Corey.

"Sorry, must have zoned out for a moment," I said with a little laugh. At that answer he chuckled lightly, God, I loved that voice, and pulled me to him, ruffling my hair.

"You. Did. Not. Just. Mess. Up. My hair!" I faked an angry British accent and tried to hold back a laugh. Guess how that turned out. Yep, you guessed it; I burst out laughing. Short after I heard Corey laugh too.

"Yes, yes I did," he said with a playful grin on his face.

This was one of the things loved about Corey. We could mess around, tease each other and laugh. We always had a great time together. Truth be told, I would love to drop out of school, just so I could stay here with Corey, but I don't like the idea of using his money. It would just be wrong. I would feel bad about it. I wanted to earn some money, and if I didn't graduate high school, I couldn't go to college and if I didn't go to college, I couldn't get the job I wanted.

A few hours later we decided to take a walk, so we made a couple of sandwiches and put them into a basket with a blanket. Corey took my hand and led me through a forest until we came to a lake.

"Oh my God. This is so beautiful!" I said while looking around. He chuckled at the expression on my face.

"What?" I asked with a smile, when I saw that he was looking at me.

"Oh, nothing. You just look so beautiful, that's all," Corey answered while smiling. I blushed and found a sudden interest in the grass. He can't think that. I'm not beautiful. I'm worthless. Damian told me so a few times.

"Stop thinking that. Please. You are not worthless! I love you, okay? Please forget what Damian told you. Please," Ups.. I guess I said that out loud. I kept looking down. I was too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. Corey gently lifted my chin up to, so he could look me in the eyes.

"What he said to you wasn't the truth, he is an ass. You never deserved what he did to you. You are so very beautiful, funny, smart, and you mean everything to me. You have never and will never be worthless, okay?" I nodded silently, not trusting my voice. He kissed me on the forehead and spread the blanket out on the ground. Corey pulled me down next to him. Well, actually he pulled me down so I sat on his lap. I giggled. Yes, I actually giggled. Oh well, can't undo what has been done. We ate the sandwiches and talked. Apparently we have been talking a lot lately, but I didn't really care. I was happy now. Or as happy as I could be now that my parents were dead, but I was with Corey, I was away from Damian and probably about to drop out of school too.

"Corey? How will you be able to protect me, even if I live at your place. I mean, you're my teacher. I would see you more if I went to school," I looked up, confusion written all over my face. He laughed.

"Have you seen me going to work these past couple of weeks?"

"I... Uhm.. No, well, except for the times somebody called you and you said that you would be there as fast as you could, but I suppose that was just the headmaster," I said, still with a confused look on my face. This time even more confused than the last time.

"Um.. Yeah, he just needed me to sign some papers about, uh, something," Corey said, while looking a bit.. sad? Why would he look sad? Did he get fired? Never mind, I'll just leave it. He'll probably tell me, when he thinks the time is right and if he wants to.

"Okay. So, what do ya wanna do?" I asked. I wanted to do something.

"Hmm, what about this?" he asked and started kissing me on the side of my neck, just below my ear. He moved my hair out of the way, so he could get easier access. I smiled and moaned silently. I quickly bit my bottom lip, so I wouldn't do that again.

He moved so he was now hovering above me. He kissed me gently on the lips. I kissed him back and smiled. I liked- no, scratch that, I loved it. It felt so much different than kissing Damian.

I broke the kiss after a couple of minutes. Stupid 'Have-to-breath-to-survive-thing.' He kept kissing me, only this time down on my neck. I enjoyed it, but well, he had to breath too. He was still hovering above me, so he looked down into my eyes, while he was catching his breath.

"That. Was. Amazing," I said with a smile. His eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Katie?" He asked sounding a little bit shy.

"Yes, Mr. Cooper?" I said in a teasing tone.

"No more 'Mr. Cooper' please," he said with a grin on his handsome face.

"Katie... Will you.. Uh.. Will you be my girlfriend? You know, for real," Corey said, hope in his voice. I smiled brightly.

"Yes, of course I will!" I said, happy that he had finally asked. He smiled down at me and kissed me passionately. When he pulled away he looked at me again with happiness in his eyes. I can't believe he actually asked me that! I was happy now, like really happy!

*A little while later*

"Katie.. Now that you're my girlfriend, I have to tell you something.. Please promise me you won't get mad at me for not telling you sooner, okay?" We were currently sitting on a couch in the living room. I nodded, and waited for him to continue.

"It's just about my job. Not anything, you know, big problem or anything, uh.. I just wanted you to know that I'm not really a teacher.. It was just an extra job.. Or a job so that I could take care of you. Protect you.. Or at least keep an eye on you. This sounds confusing, I'm sorry. I'll just stop talking now and get you some time to proceed the information, okay? And if you have any questions, I'll gladly answer them now," I heard Corey say. I knew it. Of course he wasn't a teacher. I started to put the pieces together now. He must be some sort if an agent or something. Otherwise, how could he possibly have known about Damian's plan. That day Damian decided to come to my house and kill.. Kill my parents.. When I came to my house, Corey was already there and I swear I didn't tell him anything! I looked up at Corey again. He looked relieved, like a heavy weight had been lifted from his shoulder.

"What did you mean when you said, something about keeping an eye on me? I mean, the first couple of years, you didn't even talk to me, other than the few times you said something to me, during class," I asked him.

"Well, my boss told me to keep an eye on you. He found out that you were dating Damian. Damian has done some terrible things, and he wanted to make sure that we could catch him. I started to really care about you after I saw how the other students treated you. And then I saw how Damian treated you. I got furious! I reported it to my boss and he told me to stay close to you, to protect you. And I gladly did that. I hated to see what he did to you. All the bruises.." I really didn't know what to say.

"I really love you, Katie. I will never let him or anyone hurt you again, okay?"

"I love you too, Corey," I said.

(A/N) Quick note: Thank you so much for reading! =) 

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