Chapter 5

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"Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking of the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct, or for being years ahead of your time. It you're right and you know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind even if you are a minority of one. The truth is still the truth." 

- Mohandas Gandhi.

 Chapter 5

I woke up the following morning and was kinda sad. I actually didn't know why, but it was like Damian was right beside me, like he was following me. I know, it sounded stupid and that he wasn't there, but I could hear his voice inside my head. I took a shower and put on some clothes and went to school, skipping breakfast. Truth be told I didn't like to eat breakfast and I was never really hungry anyway, so I didn't see the point in eating. I got to school and wasn't feeling too good. I felt weak and sick. 'But I just have to get through the day,' I thought. The day went by ever so slowly.

The bell rang and I dragged my feet to the math building. Yeah, I had to face Mr. Cooper after the embarrassment yesterday. To my surprise, the class went by pretty fast. Mr. Cooper handed out some stuff. Luckily I was finished by the end of the class. The bell rang and the day was over. I began to pack my things.  

"Katie, may I have a word with you before you leave? " Mr. Cooper asked. 

"Yes of course, Mr. Cooper" I answered. So I waited for all the others to go and sat back behind my desk.  

"You wanted to talk with me, Mr. Cooper?" I asked, afraid that I had done something wrong. He looked at me.  

"Are you alright? You've looked a little sad and at some points really scared these past couple of days," he said with something I think looked like concern hidden in his eyes.  

" I - um, I'm fine" I said, unsure of what to answer. I mean, I couldn't tell him the truth. Damian had made me promise not to tell anyone anything, and I didn't really know Mr. Cooper. He looked at me like he was trying to read me like a book. To be honest, it freaked me out a little.  

"Um, M-Mr. Cooper? C-could you please s-stop looking at me like t-that?" I asked a little nervous. He quickly stoped starring and apologized. He could see it was freaking me out.  

"Who has been punching you?" He asked.  

"N-no one, Mr. Cooper," I answered. He looked at me like he knew something was wrong. 

"Don't lie to me, Katie, I know something is wrong," he said. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't tell him, Damian would just make my life so much harder if he found out.  

"I can't tell you, Mr. Cooper," I said and was about to go when he grabbed my arm. I stopped, frozen in my tracks, scared of what he would do next. He watched me carefully. I tried to step away, but he held my arm, gently.  

"Why do you try to get away?" Mr. Cooper asked in a calm, angle-like voice. I slowly started to panic.  

"Mr. Cooper, I have to go, I have homework and..." I didn't finish my sentence, I was cut off by him saying:  

"I can drive you home if you want? Then you won't have to hurry home." I wasn't sure of what to say, I was actually speechless, I didn't expect that. He was actually sweet and... 'No, Katie, you can't think of him like that! He's your teacher!' I quickly stopped my way of thinking.  

"It's okay, Mr. Cooper, I can walk and the wheather is great," I said in a hurry. I said goodbye to Mr. Cooper and started to walk home, hoping my parents were there.

"There you are princess, I've been waiting for you. What took you so long?" I froze at the sound of that voice. Damian.  

"It's none of your business," I said through gritted teethes.  

"Hell yeah it is! I want to know where you are all the time, what if you were fooling around with some dude?" He said, looking angry. I was on the edge of crying. Was he accusing me for cheating on him? How could he think that about me? I felt the anger building up inside me like a fireball.  

"You know I would NEVER cheat on you! How could you EVEN think that?! I hate you!" I regretted saying that the moment it left my lips. I felt a slap on my cheek. I cried out in pain, a red mark already beginning to form.  

"What did you just say? Huh?" He was mad, he raised his hand again and I prepared myself on another slap. It never came, instead I heard a voice.  

"Let go of Katie," Damian quickly let go of me. I curled up into a ball on the ground, tears streaming down my face and watched Damian run away, what a boyfriend. Worlds best (please do note the word dripping with sarcasm).  

"Katie, are you okay?" Mr. Cooper asked worried. I could see he tried to act cool, like all the other teachers would do, but I could see the worry very clear on his eyes. I didn't answer, I just looked away, embarrassed that he just saw that.  

"Katie, please answer me," he insisted.  

"I-I'm fine Mr. Coop- " I was cut of when he spoke. 

"Outside of school you can just call me Corey, okay?" I nodded. I got of off the ground and began to walk home, again.  

"Please, let me drive you home Katie," Mr. Coop- I mean Corey said. I nodded a 'thanks' and walked up to him.

(A/N) so, the chapter was a little bit longer this time, and now he has a name! Pic will be posted in the next chapter. What do U guys think? :)

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