Chapter 17

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"The most beautiful music in the world is your own heartbeat, it assures you that you will survive even when the whole world leaves you alone"

Chapter 17

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.
"Hello?" I said tiredly. At first I heard nothing, then a deep voice reached my ear.
"Hello Katie, nice to hear your voice again," I heard a laughter from the other end of the line. Wait a minute.. I knew that voice..
"Jack? What the hell do you think you're doing? How did you even get my number??" I whispered.
"Shut up and listen to me. Just because Damian is in jail, doesn't mean that we will just let you go like that! We have someone here.. I think you know her. Don't freak out now, that would be a very stupid move," I heard some screaming and crying in the background. Carrie? How the hell did they get Carrie?! I was starting to freak out. They had my best friend!
"What do you want from me?! Let her go!" I screamed.
"SHUT. UP!" Jack yelled from the other end of the phone. I was terrified.
"Please.. I'll give you anything you want, just let Carrie go, please," I sobbed.
"I'll contact you with instructions on what to do. Don't you dare tell that pretty little boyfriend of yours, about this or else..." The line went dead. I started to panic. I went out of bed, surprised that Corey didn't wake up when I screamed. I rushed out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I had to save Carrie.. But what could I do? I had to wait.. Wait until he sent me some instructions. To get my mind off of the thing with Carrie, I started to cook breakfast. I found all the ingredients to make my famous chocolate-chip pancakes.
Suddenly, I felt a pair of strong arms snake around my waist, just as I was about to flip the last pancake.
"Something smells good," I heard Corey's sexy morning voice whisper in my ear. I smiled. Good Lord, I loved the sound of his voice in the morning. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he started trailing sweet kisses on my neck. I quickly flipped the last pancake and turned around to meet his lips. I put my arms around his neck as he gently lifted me up. I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist to keep myself from falling. Of course he wouldn't let me fall, but you get the point. I felt my phone vibrate and instantly became nervous. I unwrapped my legs from Corey's waist.
"Can you please put me down, Corey?" I asked quietly. He nodded and put me down on the ground again.
"I made breakfast for you," I said with a smile and placed the plate with pancakes on the table. He noticed my mood change and didn't protest when I asked him to sit down and eat. I walked away and checked my phone. One new message.

From: Jack the Jerk
Good Girl, you didn't tell Corey anything. I'm proud of you. Okay, so here's what you're gonna do if you wanna see you friend here again. At least if you wanna see her alive. Your choice but.. Anywaaay, I only want one thing from you. And that's you. I wanna pick up what Damian left. You are to meet me at my house tonight at 8 PM. Alone. And don't try and do something you'll regret.

Corey's P.O.V.

Why is Katie acting like this? She never does. I bet something's wrong. I hope she's okay. I want her to be safe, I wish she wou- My thinking was cut short by the sound of my phone ringing. I knew that tone. My boss.
"Hello," I said into the phone.
"You have to keep and eye on your girl. Something's wrong. This guy has been outside your house since dawn. He talked to your girl this morning. I couldn't make out the words, but he sounded pretty angry," My boss said. And yes, he always has someone around my house just for security. Something my boss said I had to, since I was his best agent.
"Is he someone we've seen before? Is he one of Damian's friends?" I asked. Now I was concerned. Like REALLY concerned.
"I would believe so. We've have seen this guy with Damian before, but I don't know how close they are," I had to ask Katie about that.
"Okay, thanks. I'll keep an eye on her. I'll be with her all the time, she is standing right ne- Wait, where the hell is my girl at?! I have to go, I need to know where she is, thanks for the information," We said goodbye and I instantly got up to find my Katie.

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