Chapter 15

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"We all want to fall in love. Why? Because the experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality are shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, an hour, an afternoon. But that doesn't diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives."


~Corey's POV~

When I finished my breakfast I went into the bedroom to find some clothes to wear. I saw something on the bed. Picking it up, I began to read it.

Corey... I don't know where to begin. I haven't known you for that long. Well, you've been my teacher for a few years, but... Then you really stepped into my life and.. Well.. It's been the best time I have ever had. You are my hero. You saved me. And I am grateful for that. I hope you can forgive me, and that we will meet again. Somewhere.... I'm sorry.. I just don't know how to deal with all this. You don't know half of what I've been through and I don't want you to know.. You will just be disgusted with me like he was.. And I  don't want to end, whatever this was, like that so.. Uhm.. Anyway.. I'm gonna go see my parents again, I hope. Please don't be mad at me. Promise me one thing? Forget about me..  I love you..


To my surprise, I felt myself cry. I hadn't cried in a long time. I needed to find her. And fast! I knew she hadn't come into the room where I was after she left, so there was actually only one room to find her. The bathroom. I ran in there and saw her lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Her own blood. She was unconscious at the moment. I needed to get her to a hospital. Now. I gently picked her up in my arms and ran to my car. I drove at a high speed and managed to get to the hospital within a few minutes. I explained the situation to the people sitting at a table and they rushed her into a room. I sat outside waiting. Waiting for the doctors to tell me that she was going to be okay.

A few hours, and a doctor talking to me later, I went inside the room, where they had placed Katie. I sat down in a chair beside the bed she was placed in. She was still unconscious.. Though I think she's in a come now. The doctors said she would be alright.

"I love you too.." I whispered to her. Holding her hand.

"Don't leave me now. Not ever. I will take care of you, protect you. I promise. And I won't EVER forget you.." I kept whispering things to her. Hoping it would get her to wake up. The doctors said she had lost a lot of blood, so she probably would be in a coma for a few hours, or maybe even a day or two.

~Katie's POV~ A few hours later.

I could see the bright light through my eyelids. I in heaven now. Mom! Dad! Where are you? That was what I thought at first. Then this annoying beeping-noise started. I groaned and opened my eyes. I felt something beside me. Or should I say someone. I looked beside me and saw Corey.. Didn't I tell him to forget about me? I told him I loved him.. Oh God.. He wasn't supposed to know that.. I only told him, because I thought I wouldn't make it through this.. I do love him though.. I realised that the moment I wrote the letter.. Does he by any chance love me too? No.. He wouldn't want a girl like me.. Would he? I need to stop thinking.. I looked at him again. Without thinking about it, I reached out and moved some of his hair away from his face. He looked up at me with those beautiful eyes of his.

"I love you too, you know.." He whispered to me. His eyes filled with honesty, telling me that he actually meant what he said. I couldn't stop the smile forming on my lips. So.. He does love me! I thought happily to myself.

"When will they let me go?" I asked him. Feeling the urge to get out of here, even though I hadn't been here for that long.

"You just woke up, love. You need to take it easy, okay?" Corey said with concern in his voice. I mumbled something about 'overprotective boy' which made him laugh. I smiled a little. I could get through this now. I had Corey. He would do anything to protect me.. And he would do anything to make me happy.

----A few weeks later----

"Correeeyyyyy??" I asked looking up at him through my eyelashes. He laughed.

"What do you want, Katie?"

"Will you please, please, please make breakfast?" I asked. Ever since I got back from the hospital I had been eating breakfast, and it wasn't that bad actually. Corey is an amazing cook.. I think I might have said that before.. Anyway, I'm rambling!

"Sure, what would you like me to make?" He asked. He was very happy that I decided to eat breakfast again.

"I don't know.. Surprise me!" I said and made my way into the kitchen and sat down at the table. I watched him cook. I liked to watch him while he cooked. He looked so happy. I got up from the chair and went outside to get the newspaper and went back inside. By the time it took me to get the newspaper, he had already set the table and finished the breakfast. I gave Corey the newspaper and sat down. We talked while eating and joked around with each other. I haven't laughed that much in ages!

"Katie.. Have you ever thought about dropping out of school? I mean, you haven't been there in a long time and.. Well.. I can't stand not to be able to protect you, and I can't do that at school.."

(A/N) Short chapter, I know...

I'm kinda getting the feeling that nobody reads this story. So I won't update until I get at least one comment or two votes. I'm not asking much here, I just don't know if I should continue to write this story. Anyway hope you liked this, whoever you are.. 

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