Chapter 7

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"Sick of crying, tired if trying, yeah I'm smiling but inside I'm dying"

 Chapter 7

So, today i had to go to school. I put on some clothes and went outside, starting to walk to school. I had to face Mr. Cooper. I was nervous.. I didn't know how to react on what happened yesterday. Before I knew it, I was at the school. Should I talk to him? I chose not to..

The day went by slowly. by lunchtime, all I wanted was to just go home. I tried to avoid all the people. It was actually kinda hard, and I absolutely didn't look forward to math class began. I had to face Mr. Cooper. The class however went by faster than I thought it would. Mr. Cooper explained something on the blackboard throughout the entire class. When the bell rang I quickly gathered all my things and ran out the door, do I didn't have to face him. Yes, I know, I'm a coward.

I walked home, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. I was texting a bit with my best friend Carrie. I quickly sent her a text: 

'Omg, U remember that SUPER cute guy I told you about?? He spend the night at my place yesterday!' After I send it, I put my phone away, just as I thought it was going to be a lovely day today, I heard the familiar sound of a car. Not just some car. His car. I kept walking, I just didn't feel like having a fight right now. Of course I couldn't walk away from the car, so I turned down a little path, were he couldn't drive. I looked over my shoulder and couldn't find him. I smiled in triumph, I'd finally won!  

Damian: 59 Katie: 1, yes, I kept score!

By the time I got home, I had 5 missed calls and a few texts. All the missed calls was from Damian, I just ignored them, I didn't feel like talking to him anyway. I opened a text from Carrie.  

'Omg! You're kidding, right?! What did you guys do? What happened? Tell me EVERYTHING!' I smiled and replied: 

'Nothing happened Carrie. He just.. Well, I guess you could say that he saved me from Damian. And then he just stayed, making sure I was okay,' I sent it. Now that I thought about it, I couldn't help but think that something could have happened, I mean, How was I suppose to know that he wasn't like Damian? Okay, that I knew. Of course he wasn't like Damian, I mean that would be insane. Then why would he same me from him? And have that look in his eyes? I had to talk to Mr. Cooper about this.

I saw the car parked outside of my door and guess what? I panicked. I knew I had to talk to him, but I didn't expect it to be now. I saw Mr. Cooper get out of his car and smile. He smiled like he was.. Relieved?  

"Hey," he said, smiling. I looked at him and mumbled a small 'hello,' I looked at his smile. 'Oh God, why did I look there?' I thought to myself a I couldn't stop staring at his face.  

"Mr. Coo- um Corey, what are you doing here? Damian isn't here and-"  

"You forgot this at school, and I thought you needed it for your homework or something, so I thought I would come by and give it to you," Mr. Cooper interrupted me.

'I will not make the same mistakes that you did 

I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery 

I will not break the way you did 

You fell so hard 

I've learned the hard way, to never let it get that far,' Kelly Clarkson's 'Because of you' started playing from my phone, signaling a call.  

"I'm sorry, I have to take this, but please wait. I need to talk to you about something," I quickly said to Me. Cooper and answered my phone.

"What do you want, Damian? I'm not in the mood," I listened to him yelling at me. I didn't really care, but he still scared me. I hated when he would yell at me. 

"D-Damian, please don't. I swear I didn't do anything with him! P-please, don't come over, I can't deal with you right now. I'm begging you!" I sobbed quietly. I held the phone away from my ear. I couldn't take this anymore. I needed to break up with him. Soon.  

Suddenly my hands felt empty, my phone wasn't there anymore, I looked over at Mr. Cooper and there he stood, my hand in his hand, talking angrily to Damian.

"Don't do this to Katie! She didn't do anything wrong, you know I could call the police if you don't back the f*ck off and stop doing things like this to her!" He was yelling angrily. I didn't want to hear this, I closed my eyes and let my mind take me to another place so I didn't need to hear this. My mind wandered to a beautiful place, a meadow full of flowers. The sun shining and the birds singing. And there, right in front of me, stood an angle. The dark brown hair surrounding his face, his bright eyes looking directly into mine, shining with caring and love. Corey.

I mentally slapped myself, 'Katie, stop thinking like that! He's your teacher, nothing can ever happen. Far away I heard my name being said. I snapped back to reality, opening my eyes, just to find myself staring into those beautiful eyes. Corey smiled down at me. I smiled back at him.  

"I believe this is your phone? " he said with a smile and have me phone back. I mumbled a 'thanks' and looked down. I felt his fingers softly touch my cheek and gently lifting my face up to look at him. My breath got caught in my throat while I looked him in the eyes. 'Oh my God, just kiss me, why are you doing this to me?' I thought to myself.  

"Just say if you want me to stop," he said softly and leaned in towards me. He moved so slowly. "Mr. Cooper? Can we go inside instead? It's kinda cold outside, plus somebody could see us," I asked. My mind going at full speed. What was I doing? Why didn't I want him to stop? I couldn't allow myself to feel this way about him!  

He slowly nodded, standing behind me as I unlocked the door, holding it open for him to go inside. I went in too and closed the door making sure to lock it.

There we stood looking at each other with awkward silence filling the air. My eyes went down to his lips then back to his eyes. He took a step forward towards me. My heart was pounding so loud in my chest, that I was afraid he might hear it. He closed the distance between us. His lips crashing to mine. Instantly I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Our lips were moving perfectly in sync. I felt one of his hands resting on the small of back the other gently tangled in my hair. I whimpered slightly when he pulled away. He looked down at me, his eyes shining with lust and care.  

"That. Was.. Amazing.." I whispered, slightly embarrassed. I never knew a kiss could feel like this. So soft..  

"Katie.. I think you should call the police and tell them about Damian, or at least break up with him," I heard Corey say. But I had other things to worry about right now

(A/N) I'm so sorry for the long wait! I honestly didn't know what to write, but here it is and I hope you enjoy it! x) let me know what you think :)

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