Chapter 4

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" Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remember to turn on the light"

Chapter 4

I was jumping up and down inside, Monday was finally here! I know it means school, but if it means I'll get out of this house, I'm willing to do anything. I jumped early out of bed, my face still red from the slap I got in the weekend. I took a bath, put on some clothes, dried my hair and put it in a messy ponytail. I made breakfast and left a note by the plate: 'Gotta go to school, c ya, or whatever.' 

I walked to school. The weather was cold, but it was a beautiful morning. I popped in my headphones and took my iPhone out of my pocket to listen to some music and text with my best friend Carrie. She was the only one I've told about Damian and about how he treated me. I really trusted her and I still do. Sadly she doesn't go to the same school as me. I reached the school. School went by pretty fast. By lunchtime I was actually happy!

I looked around. Big mistake. I saw my friends or well, they used to be my friends, now for some reason they had all turned against me. They called my name, but I tried to ignore them. They went from losers, like me, to some of the most popular kids at school. They came to me when I didn't want to answer them. I looked the other way. I saw that they were about to get mad, I smiled a little to myself. 'Ha! I made them mad' I thought proudly to myself. They grabbed me and was about to drag me out of the cafeteria when I heard that voice.  

"And what do you think you're doing?" I recognised the voice as Mr. Cooper, our mathteacher. They instantly let go of me, I smiled in victory. I took my chance to check him out while he was talking to them. For the first time I saw how hot he actually looked. Tall, brown shaggy hair, beautiful blue eyes. I smiled to myself, but looked away the moment he began to turn towards me.  

"Are you okay, Katie?" He asked. I nodded and turned around and began to walk away.  

"Oh, and thanks!" I said over my shoulder. I heard him laugh a little and mumble something about 'no problem'. The rest of the day went by fast, and soon I was heading home, alone without Damian. I felt like heaven! I texted my friend telling her about my day. I put my phone back in my pocket, and walked in my own thoughts for a moment. I felt my phone vibrate. I took it up and read my message: 'Didn't you fight back? You should've kicked their asses!' I silently laughed. She's so great, totally a best friend. I quickly replied back, and walked the rest of the way back to my house.

I opened the door and smiled.

"Mom! Dad! How was your weekend?" I asked as I ran in for a hug.  

"It was great, Sweetheart. We got all the work done. That means that we can spend next weekend home." My mother said and my father added with a sincere smile: 

"We could go out, do something together?" I nodded my head in excitement.  

I went to my room, quickly finishing my homework and began to plan what clothes I should wear for the weekend. I know, I know, it's a bit early to do that, but a girl needs her time to pick out her clothes, so she won't have to pick it out in the last minute, okay?! I went through all my clothes. I stood there in my room with clothes all over my floor for about two hours before I finally decided on a pair of ripped jeans and a big sweater. Yeah, I like big sweaters, deal with it.

I went downstairs again and helped my mother with dinner a few hours later. I set the table while she finished the dinner. It was great to finally sit all three of us and eat dinner together. After we ate, we were sitting in the living room, watching a movie. I was having a great time with my parents and was enjoying every minute of it. At around 10 o'clock I began to get ready for bed. Then I fell asleep in a matter of minutes

(A/N) so, now you've met Mr. Cooper! I hope you liked it, short chapter I know and I'm sorry, but I didn't know what to write >.<  

Anyway please vote, fan and comment! :)

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