Chapter 9

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"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent," 

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Chapter 9

We sat down at the table and ate our breakfast. I was still wondering what the hell was going on with Damian, I mean him being nice to me? Asking me instead out of demanding me to come with him. That was a new one. 'Should I wear something nice to when he comes over? Just because he is being nice to me for once,' I thought to myself. I walked up to my room and over to my closet, trying to decide what to wear. I decided on a pair of dark skinny jeans and a big sweater, as I have mentioned before; I love big sweaters! I put it on and looked at myself in my mirror. 'No Katie, you can't wear these jeans. You know what will happen if you do!' I thought, and I knew I was right. I quickly changed into some sweats thinking 'oh what the hell, I don't even care what he thinks and if we absolutely have to do something later, I'll just change then,' I heard myself think. I heard the doorbell ring and hurried down to open the door, knowing that Damian didn't like being kept waiting.  

"Hi," I said, letting him in. He scooped me up in his arms giving me a gentle kiss, just as my parents came out in the hall. I honestly didn't know how to respond to that kiss. He took me by surprise! He hadn't kissed me that way in a few years now. What was going on in his mind? What did he want? 

He sat me back down and looked towards my parents. 

"Long time no see," he said with a little laugh, while shaking hands with my parents. I couldn't believe him. This was so unreal!

After a few hours of talking, Damian grabbed my hand: 

"Come on babe, let's go somewhere," he said with a smile. I nodded and smiled. Wondering if I should change my clothes.  

"You don't have to change, you look perfect," Damian said as if he could read my mind. I blushed slightly, causing him to chuckle. We said goodbye to my parents and got in Damian's car.  

"So, where are you taking me?" I asked, still a little confused.  

He looked at me with cold eyes, the same as usual and I got scared. I knew he was up to something, that it had all just been a trick or an act so my parents would me go with him or something. 'I can't believe I could even think that he had changed,' I thought. I was mad. Of course at Damian, but mostly at myself. I had been fooled by HIM. How stupid was I?  

"We're here, now get out of my car," Damian said. I quickly got out of his car and waited for him to tell me where to go. I felt a push from behind, and the next thing I know, I'm being pushed towards a house. I didn't know this house. For a moment I thought it was Damian's, but then I saw that it was to dark to be his house. When we reached the door, he stopped me, causing me to fell in to his chest.  

"Welcome to MY house," I heard Damian say. 'Stupid je- his house?! This can't be his house, he doesn't live here! He lives with his parents!' I thought and by now, I was a little panicked. Had he grown up that much? Could he really have his own house? He dragged me inside.  

"Damian, please stop, you're hurting me," I said panicked. I tried to get out of his hold, but he didn't even loosen his grip the slightest. He ignored me and kept going somewhere that was for him to know and for me find out. I hated these kind of surprises, especially when he was the one to drag me around. He dragged me to what seemed like the living room. I was looking around, with my mouth probably hitting the floor. This place was HUGE!  

"Katie, keep up, I'm not showing you around, so you better keep up!" Damian said. I just nodded and hurried to keep up with him. We quickly reached the kitchen.  

"Why are we in the kitchen?" I asked a little confused. He sighed like that was the stupidest question I could have asked.  

"I'm hungry," he said with a shrug. At that I laughed, I actually laughed! He was hungry? I looked up at him and froze, getting a death-glare from Damian. The cold, hard look in his eyes, warned me to shut up, and so I did!  

"Let me guess, you want me to make you some food?" I asked since he hadn't moved or made himself some food. He nodded his head 'yes' I laughed again, of course very quietly, because I didn't want him to get mad at me. I looked through his kitchen. I must say, I'm surprised. He had all this fancy cooking-stuff! I started to make him some food.

"No! Damian, please don't!" I screamed, terrified.  

"Then stop seeing that other dude! It's me you're dating!" He said angrily. He pushed me to the ground and came on top of me. I was terrified.  

"Then maybe I shouldn't be dating you," I said, now angry. He really thought I was dating Corey!? How could he believe that? Though I regretted it the minute those words left my lips, I knew what would happen now; he would be angry and hit me or something.. Something I didn't know what was. That was the funny thing about him, you never really knew how he would react. He started laughing. It wasn't a happy laugh, no, it was more of an evil laugh. A laugh that sent chills down your spine. I backed away towards what I hoped would be the door.  

"And where do you think you're going? To that other dude, maybe? To your parents? Do you really think they would believe you, if you told them about this? Believe me, I'm doing you a favor by dating you. If I weren't, you wouldn't have a boyfriend, you would just be alone," he paused and looked me right into the eyes.  

"Nobody would want to be with you. Look at yourself, do you truly believe anybody would ever want you?" He said, coming towards me. Was it true? Would I end up alone? Was I fat? I looked up at Damian. He was very close now and I kept walking backwards..  

"Damian.. Stay away, pl-av!" I felt my head hit the wall, and realized that it wasn't a door I was backing to, no of course it had to be the wall. Great! (Note the sarcasm). Now I was trapped. He laughed again and trapped be between his hands, that were on each side of my head. He looked me in the eyes with cold eyes.  

"You know you can't get away, you belong to me, that much you own me, now that I've saved you from loneliness by dating you," he said. That did it. I broke down and I cried. I sat down on the floor and just cried. At first Damian looked surprised, like he didn't expect me to cry. But then his expression changed into the cold look. He slapped me. 

"Stop crying like a baby, get up from the floor and behave. That's just how life is, get over yourself!" He said. I got up from the floor, shivering from the cold.  

"Just take me home or at least let me walk home," I begged. It felt like my cheek was burning. I looked up at him, and to my surprise his expression had softened the tiniest bit, but just as I was about to look away again, it changed and was now looking at me with his cold, hard look. I took me by my arm and roughly dragged me to the front door, opening the door, threw me outside and slammed the door closed. And there I was, outside in the cold wether, on the ground. 

My cheek still burning I reached for my phone. I knew who I wanted to call, but I couldn't explain to him why my cheek was red. So him I didn't call. I went through my contacts and finally found the number I was looking for. I wonder if he would pick me up? Tears running down my cheeks I pressed the 'call' button. It rang a few times before I heard his voice, Corey.  

"Hello?" He said, 

"H-hi Corey.. It's K-Katie," I sobbed.  

"Katie, what's wrong? Are you okay?! Why are you crying?" He asked worriedly. I didn't answer, the silence filled the air, before I said. 

"C-Can you p-please come and pick me up?" I asked silently.

(A/N) hope you enjoyed this chapter! And I'm so sorry for the long wait, this week has just been crazy with school and homework. But here it is and please comment, vote and fan it would mean a lot to me! :)

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