Chapter 10

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"Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciation the memories and learning from the past" 

 Chapter 10

-Corey's Pov- 

By the way Katie's voice sounded I instantly got mad, I don't know why, I just did. Who had hurt her? Was is that jerk she is dating? 

"Sure, where are you?" I heard her tell me the addressee, and I knew where that was. My parents lived close to that house.  

"Stay where you are, I'll be right there!" I hurried out to my car and drove as fast as I could and luckily without being stopped by the police.  

A few minutes later I saw her pretty face. She was sitting on the cold grass, facing the road. I quickly got out of my car, slamming the door shut. I ran towards her, and saw her shivering.  

"Here, take this," I said, while putting my jacket around her shoulders. She still sat on the grass, and didn't move. She looked terrified, it made me angry, seeing her like this. Who did this to her? I had to get her away from him.  

I gently lifted her up and carried her to my car, putting her down on the passenger seat. I walked to the drivers seat and drove.  

"Are your parents home?" I asked her, I looked over at her and watched as she nodded.  

"I'm taking you to my place, I don't want to let your parents see you like this, okay?" I asked her softly. Again she just nodded. She looked pale and cold.  

A few minutes later I pulled up at my house, and I saw Katie sit and look up at my house, her mouth hanging slightly open.

-Katie's Pov- 

Omg! This was HUGE! How could he afford this, he was only a teacher for God's sake, they didn't earn that much money. For a moment I forgot why I was here, while I was starting at his gigantic house. I got out of the car and walked up to Corey, as he started walking towards his house.  

"How did you..? Is that..? But you're..?" I just couldn't come up with a full sentence. He laughed. It was a warm laughter. God I loved that sound.  

"You'll find out soon enough," Corey said with a little smile. What? Why would he say that? What did he mean??  

'Great, now I'm confused' I thought to myself, I hate secrets! Even surprise parties, I hate them. Mostly because I got scared three years ago, when my so called friends threw a surprise party. I know, it might be stupid, but I got really scared, okay??  

"Katie? Katie, are you okay? " I heard Corey say a little worried. God that man worried to much. It was first then, I realized that he'd been talking to me for the past 4 minutes. I quickly looked up at him with a smile saying that I was fine.  

"I'm sorry, just thought about some stuff," I said smiling. I probably still had that look in my eyes that shoved that I was confused, because after a little while he asked: 

"What is it? What were you thinking about? Is it something I can help you with?" He said with a kind smile.  

"It's nothing, I was just.. Well, you don't have to worry about that," I said. Looking down, a little embarrassed. I couldn't tell him what was going on in my mind. How would he react? I couldn't risk his kindness. I.. I didn't want to lose him. That thought scared me. He was just my teacher. Yes, he had kissed me once, and yes, it did feel nice, but it couldn't be anymore than that. Sure, he could be my friend. There's nothing wrong in being friends with him. Is there? Snapping out of my thoughts I looked up at him again and saw that he was waiting for me to follow him inside the house. I followed behind him, being careful not to trip or anything. I didn't even know this man, why did go with him? Yes, he had been my teacher for the past 2 years, but that didn't mean that I knew him very well. Now I was starting to panic. What did he want?  

"Mr. Cooper? Why did you take me here? What is it that you want?" I asked, with panic in my voice. Corey looked at me like I had gone crazy, but then he got worried. Again.  

"Katie, calm down, please. I'm not gonna hurt you," Corey said. I just started to panic even more. Was he secretly just like Damian?  

"Katie, look at me. Calm down," he said calmly. Looking up at him, I calmed down a little. I felt him grab my hand and then pulling me into a hug. I felt the tears starting to run down my cheeks, while we just stood there.

"That's so not true!" I said while laughing my a$$ off. We were sitting on the couch, in Corey's house, laughing about random stuff from school. 'did Damian and I break up earlier today? Or was it just something I thought we did? I'm just gonna say that we did, because I don't want to be with him anymore. I'll just leave a message or something,'  

"Mr. Cooper, can I ask you something?" I said slowly after a while.  

"Sure, but only if you call me Corey, when we aren't at school," he said with a smirk.  

"Fine, I'll try.. Anyway, why do you even spend time with me in your spare time? Don't you have some teacher-thing to do? I mean; something with your colleagues?"  

"Because they are so old and boring," Corey answered sounding like a child complaining, and of course I couldn't help but laugh at that. I looked over at Corey who had a playful glimt in his eyes. Before I knew what was happening he started tinckeling me.  

"And why is that funny to you? I'm not that old, and I am defenitely not boring, now am I?" He asked while tinkeling me.  

"N-no, of c-course not," I said in between laughs. He now had me pinne down n the sofa, suddenly he just stopped tinkeling me and looked me right in the eyes.  

"Have you broken up with Damian yet?" he asked quietly. 

"I.. um.. I think so, I don't really know actually," I answered. I tried to avoid his eyes, but failed. He looked at me, and gently carresed my cheeck.  

"I.. Um.. Corey?" I asked a little scared, exspecting the pain of a slap to come. He quickly removed his hand. Lokking down at me; 

"Did you just expect me to hit you? What has he done to you, Katie? Believe me, I would NEVER hurt you!" And with that he bend down and kissed me with much more love and lust than I could ever imagen could exist in a kiss.


I'm sorry for the long wait! Hope you liked it! :) Anyway plz  

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