Chapter 11

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“Make your choice and make it quick, either rebuild a real heart, or get out of my way QUICK”

- Coco J. Ginger.

Chapter 11

I whimpered slightly when he pulled away again, making him chuckle a little. I looked up at his handsome face and smiled at the sound of his laughter.

“I'm gonna call Damian now, and try to make him understand. I don't know if I can though,” I said after a while, with a thinking-look on my face. He gently rubbed soothing circles on my back.

“It's gonna be okay, otherwise I WILL talk to him, okay?” he asked and I nodded, pulled out my phone and dialed Damian's number. It rang a couple of times before I heard his voice:

“What do you want now?” He asked, sounding pretty pissed off.

“I just.. Um..” I took in a deep breath and continued:

“It's over. I don't want to be with you anymore. We're done, whatever this was. Get it?” I asked rather quickly.

“THIS IS NOT OVER,” He yelled in the phone, “YOU can't just break up with ME!” and he went on and on and on about how I would never have anyone to ever love me again, not that he loved me or anything, and that I would end up alone, without him by my side. I couldn't take it anymore and got really pissed myself.

“Damian, couldn't you just SHUT UP FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE?!” I yelled the last part to make him understand.

“We. Are. Done. I'm done with you, and your way of bossing me around all the time, making me believe that I'm not worth the love of someone else! You've been nothing but mean to me the past couple of years, and I. Am. Sick of it! “ That made him shut up, thank God, finally! I made him shut up! Ha! Damian: 63      Katie: 2, Yeah, I still kept score and yes, he did get a few points since last time.

After that I just hung up. I didn't want to hear him yelling anymore, I was exhausted. And scared. I had never done that before. I had never really stood up to him and it felt good, but now I was scared. What wouldn't he do next time he saw me? Would he beat me up? Kill me? He could kill me, that wouldn't be so awful..

I felt two strong arms come around from behind me, wrapping me up in a hug.

“I'm so proud of you, Katie” His voice sounded in my ear, making me shiver slightly at the feeling of his breath on my skin.

“Wh-why do you do this to me?” I asked quietly. He laughs a small laughter and spins me around, so I'm now facing him, but looking down to the ground. He gently lifted my chin up.

“Hey, look at me.” I looked up at him. “I'm so proud of you, okay? You are good enough for me. You understand? You are beautiful, and don't let anyone else tell you that you're not!” He said. And I could see he was talking the truth. It showed in his eyes. But wait, he didn't answer my question. As if he could read my thoughts or something he said:

“I'm doing this to you, because I want you to know that, I'm gonna be here the whole time through this. You aren't gonna be alone. And I care about you. A lot.” I surprised myself by standing up on my toes and kissed him, just a small peck. He smiled a warm smile and pulled me into another hug.

“Corey?.. I need to go home, my parents is probably freaking out,” I said, with a little sadness in my voice. I didn't want to go!

“Okay, I'll drive you home. I don't want you walking alone outside right now, so don't you dare argue with me,” he said with a little laughter in his voice. I just smiled and nodded.

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