Chapter 8

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“You aren't worthless like they made you feel. You aren't so broken that you could never heal. You aren't stupid like they made you think. Listen as I say this, you are stronger than you believe, and smarter than you seem. You are special, you are something else, be proud to be yourself. “ -Francine Chiar.

Chapter 8

God I wanted to kiss him aga- wait, tell the police?

"Wh-what? I can't tell the police about Damian!" I practically yelled, suddenly scared. Just by the thought about it made scared me. What wouldn't Damian do to me if I told the police? I couldn't deal with that.. At least not yet..

"Katie.. You have to do something about it, you can't let him do this to you anymore," Corey said softly, taking my hand in his and looking me deep in the eyes. I looked away, aware that his eyes still were on me.

"Um.. Are you hungry?" I asked, trying to change the subject and pulling my hand out of his. He shock his head no without saying anything. I looked up at him and couldn't read his expression. It looked almost as love. 'No, that can't be it. It must be something else. But what if it is? I mean, he obviously cares about you and that ki- Katie, stop that thought right now!' I hissed mentally at myself.

"Katie.." He paused, thinking about how to say what he was about to say.

"Why don't you at least break up with Damian?" He asked silently. I didn't know how to answer that so I got a little surprised when I heard my voice.

"He's my parents' friends' son.. So it isn't that easy.. And even if I did break up with him, he would still be around all the time.." I felt some tears form in my eyes, I tried to blink them away and hide it, but of course it was to late. Corey had already seen them. He gently wiped away my tears with his thumb and caressed my cheek. Without noticing I leaned into his touch, it felt so.. Different from when Damian would touch me,when Damian touched me, it often led to pain of some sort. But with Corey, it was different. I turned around, looking away.

"I.. I think you should go now.." I said quietly. Corey looked a little sad when I said it, but worried as well. It almost made me change my mind.

“Okay, I'll see you Monday.. If you need me, just call me, okay?” I nodded and smiled a little smile. He smiled back and I walked him to the door, watching him get in his car and drive away. I smiled to myself and went inside again, closing and locking the door. My parents could be home any minute now, so I sat down in the kitchen waiting for them.

I woke up by the sound of the door opening and familiar voices. I smiled and looked at my watch. It must have been really tired, it's only like 7.23 PM. I waited in the kitchen for them to come in. I smiled brightly as they showed up in the door.

“Mom! Dad! Finally!“ I ran towards them and got wrapped up in a warm hug from both of my parents. They looked exhausted from all the work they'd been doing the past week. 'They probably won't be able to spend time with me tomorrow..' I thought sadly to myself, 'Katie, stop thinking like that! At least they're here, so just be happy!' I said to myself. We all went into the living room after my parents their shoes and jackets off. We all sat on the couch and they began telling me about what they'd been doing on their business trip. I listened to them, listened to their voices. God I'd missed them. I know that normally teenagers would be happy to have a week alone without their parents, but when it happens this often, you get lonely. After about two hours of listening to them talking, I yawned and thought about going to bed. I stopped that thought pretty quickly though, I didn't want to waste one second, now that I had the time to be with them. I looked at them. Why did they have to go away all the time? Why couldn't they just stay home, just for once? I knew they had to go away again on Monday. I couldn't stop thinking about it and that made me sad. I missed them during the schooldays. I missed having someone to come home to, just like I had when I was in kindergarten. Back then they would always come and pick me up around four o'clock, then we would drive home, play some games or do something together until they had to make dinner. I truly missed those days.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next morning I woke up to the lovely smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen. I yawned, stretched and got of off the couch. I walked out to the kitchen and began to set the table.

“Good morning, Katie” my father said smiling at me and then turned his attention back to the pan while he flipped the pancake in the air. I laughed at him.

“good morning,” I said still laughing.

“Oh yeah, Katie, Damian has been calling you all morning, I think you better call him back before he gets to worried,” My mom said with a smile. I faked a smile and nodded, pretending to care. 'Yeah, he's worried alright,' I thought, sarcasm dripping from every word.

I went to my room to get my phone, and true, there was a lot of missed calls from Damian. I looked at the screen before pressing the call button. He picked up on the first ring.

“Where the hell have you been? I've been trying to reach you all morning!” He spoke angrily into the phone, I held my phone away from my ear until I was sure he was done with his yelling.

“Damian, stop yelling, I've just been with my parents. They came home last night,” I said calmly into the phone.

“They are? It's been a while since I've seen them, I'll come over in an hour to say hey, okay? And then we could do something after?” he asked sounding.. caring? I was surprised, that I had to admit. Damian being nice to me? Since when?

“Um, okay, I guess,” I said. “I'll see you in a bit,” and with that he hung up the phone. I stared at my phone, still shocked. I went back downstairs and into the kitchen.

“Damian is coming over in an hour, I hope you don't mind,” I said to my parents.

(A/N) Hope you like this chapter! :)

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