Chapter 14

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"Secrets are like plants. They can stay buried  deep in the earth for a long time, but eventually they'll send up shoots and give themselves away. They have to. It's their nature. Just a tiny green stem at first. Which slowly, insidiously grows taller, stronger, unfolding itself, until there it is. A big fat secret, right in front of your face; a fully bloomed flower perfumed with the scent of deception."

- Judy Reene Singer

Chapter 14

I woke up to the sound of an angle-like voice singing quietly. I opened my eyes and found that I was laying on a bed. A bed I didn't recognize. I got out of bed and tried to find Corey. I went out the door and stepped into a hall. The delicious scent of chocolate-chip pancakes hit me right in the face. I followed the scent into what must be the kitchen.

"Good morning, beautiful," Corey said, now facing me with this huge grin on his face. I felt a blush on my cheeks when he called me beautiful. I mumbled a 'morning' and sat down on a chair by the table in the middle of the room.

"Where are we? And why are we here?" I skipped straight to the point.

"We're at my house, and we're here because of Damian," he answered simply. I groaned in frustration at the simple answer I got. I put my head in my hands and sat there quietly. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Katie.. I know you're frustrated, but please trust me. When the time is right I will tell you everything, okay?" he said, sounding tired. I just nodded. He smiled at me and placed some food in front of me. I whispered a 'thanks' and took a bite. Oh my God, that tastes so good I thought to myself. We ate in silence and washed the dishes. This time without a huge water fight.

"Corey, can I ask you something?" I said, a little nervous. We sat in the living room, watching TV.

"Of course," Corey said with a smile.

"Why.. Why did you look angry when you cleaned my arm? Did I do something wrong, except living of course," I asked looking down. I could feel his eyes on me.

"You didn't do anything wrong, okay sweetie? Nothing of this is your fault, it's Damian's. I wasn't mad at you. I was mad about the thing Damian did to you," I looked up and started to feel the tears rise to my eyes. No, not again. This has happened to me a lot lately, I thought. I tried to hold back the tears that threatened to fall down at any second now. Suddenly, I heard something ring and it's certainly not my phone.

"C-Corey, your phone is ringing," I said. He looked around, found his phone on the table and answered without even looking at the caller-ID.

"Cooper speaking," I heard him say and looked over at him.

"I know where it is, I'll be there in 5 minutes," he ended the call and turned towards me. 

"I'm sorry Katie, but I have to go. I'll be back soon, I promise. Just make yourself at home," Corey said and quickly went out the door. I heard a car door slam and an engine starting, the sound of wheel spinning and then, Silence. What the hell was that all about? I shrugged and watched some TV, waiting for him to get back.

I heard my phone vibrate and pulled it out.

From: Hell

If you wanna safe your parents, you better come to your house. NOW. And come alone.

~Corey's POW~ (When the phone rings)

"Cooper speaking," I said.

"Agent Cooper, we need you. There's a problem with that kid that was at your house yesterday, we need you to come as fast a possible. We cant get him out, he has two people captured in the house," I saw red. I was furious. I immediately knew where he was.

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