Chapter 12

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"During our lives we're faced with so many elements as well, we experience so many setbacks, and fight such a hand-to-hand battle with failure, head down in the rain, just trying to stay upright and have a little hope." 

- Lance Armstrong

Chapter 12

"DAD! Wha- When did you? Why? How?" I was surprised to see him standing right in front of me. He NEVER met me on my way home. What's wrong? Something must be wrong my mind started going crazy.  

"Calm down Sweetheart, nothing's wrong, I just wanted to come and pick up my little girl from school," looking into his eyes, I saw that it was true. But wait, what was that? Did I just see a hint of guilt in his eyes? Now I'm worried.. 

"Oh, okay dad," I said, took his hand and then we went home together. I opened the door and screamed. There was a woman. Not my mom. I felt a pair of arms pull me into a chest. To make me shut up I guess. I recognized the scent as my father.  

"Let. Me. Go!" I screamed and struggled to get out of his embrace.  

"Katie, calm down please," my dad pleaded. "Let me explain," he said. I didn't listen. I finally got out of his arms, and ran up to my room, slamming the door. Making sure it was locked. Then I threw myself on my bed and turned the music up, so that it drowned all the yelling from the living room. I pulled my phone out from my pocket and send a message to my mother, witch I rarely did. 'Mom? Where are you? Why aren't here? Who is that other woman?' I sent it and waited for a reply.

I woke up at the sound of someone knocking gently on my door.  

"Who is it?" I asked, still sleepy.  

"It's me Sweetie, please let me in," I heard my mother's soft voice. I jumped off of the bed and quickly unlocked the door.  

"Mommy! Where were you? What is daddy doing with that other woman??" I was on the edge of tears. My mother pulled me in for a hug. We just stood there, and after a while she pulled back, and led me to my bed, where she sat down signaling for me to sit down next to her. 

"I don't know how to tell you this Sweetie. Your father and I.. Well, I found him with her a few days ago. When we were on our business trip. I'm sorry, but we have decided to get a divorce. I'm so sorry, but it is for the best. You can choose whether you would like to live here with your dad or with me. If you want to stay here, you can come and visit me in the weekends," She looked at me with a sad look in her eyes. I was speechless. I couldn't deal with this. It was just too much. I looked at her. I was confused. How could he do this to mom? I don't want to move. What about Corey? I couldn't move away from him. Or could I? Would it make this whole thing easier? I had to talk to him before making up my mind.  

"Mom. You need to go. Now. I can't look at any of you right now. Who is your new lover then? Is he a nice guy? Don't even bother lying to me. I can see it in your eyes. Your happy with him," I said, holding back the tears forming in my eyes. I turned around. Turning my back to her. Searching for my phone, I quickly found it scrolling through my contacts and pressed call when I found the number I was looking for. After a few rings, I heard his voice, and it instantly calmed me down a little. 

"It's your hot teacher talking, what can I do for you today?" I heard him ask with laughter clear in his voice. You see, normally this would have made me laugh, but today it didn't. I remained quiet, just listening to his soft voice. I must have zoned out, because I suddenly became aware of that he was trying to get me to talk.  

"Sorry, zoned out," I mumbled. I heard a quiet chuckle from the other end of the phone.  

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" I asked. I had now made up my mind, but needed to talk to him about it first.  

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