Chapter 2

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"Feed your faith and your fear will starve to death"

 Chapter 2

"What the hell are they doing here?" I asked Damian. I was seriously beyond pissed.  

"You didn't mention anything about them eating with us tonight!" He just smirked. I stomped into the kitchen and started cooking the dinner. I didn't bother making anything fancy. I knew Damian was going to be pissed, but at that moment I didn't really care. I mean I loved to cook, but I hated when he would just invite people over without telling me first! And the fact that it was his friends, was making me angry. I hated them. They would treat me like crap, sometimes in the same way as Damian, but that was only when he would allow it. Hopefully tonight wasn't one of those nights. I placed the food on the table and sat down as far away from Damian as possible. I waited for them to finish eating. When they were done I did the dishes and they sat in the living room, talking about God knows what. I went to the guest room and just waited, hoping for the weekend to be over soon. Damian called me downstairs, so I thought his friends had gone home. I was wrong. They all stood in a circle when I came down.  

"What do you want? Can't you just go home?" I was scared, but was still stupid enough to open my mouth and speak. They all looked up at me and smirked at the same time, God, sometimes I swear they were like a mirror. They slowly came towards me. I backed away, I knew what this was leading to. I didn't want it, they all had a mix of lust and anger in their eyes. Though I didn't understand why he was angry. I shivered with fright. I couldn't take this anymore. I had to get out of this house. 

"Come here Katie, we won't harm you. It's alright," they said in a calm voice. 'Yeah right, why don't I believe you then?' I thought to myself. I closed my eyes, and was surprised. I heard a laughter. It may have been an evil one, but it was a laughter, which meant that they wouldn't do anything. When I opened my eyes again they were gone, Damian was in the living room watching tv or something, and his friends had gone home. 'Thank you God' I thought. Silently I went to the guest room again, I put on a tank top and a pair of short, brushed my teethes and went to bed. I made a plan in my head how to escape and were to go. I smiled in my sleep.

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face even though my stomach hurt. I went downstairs, quickly made breakfast and packed my stuff together. I had it all planned out! I looked at the clock. 'Great! It's only 7.30, he's never up before 8!' I thought happily to myself. I silently unlocked the door. I opened the door, praying that it didn't make a sound. Luckily it didn't. 'Hah!' I thought, 'now I just need a place to go, I can't go home, cause that would probably be the first place he would look.' I started walking down the street, I didn't know where I was going, so I just walked. I was happy, I felt so free. I decided to go home to get some money, so that is what I did. Then I decided to go for a walk in the park. I could hear the birds sing, everything was so quiet. I saw a little café and decided to go and grab a cup of hot chocolate. I payed for it and sat on a bench. I enjoyed the warm liquid running down my throat. That was until I heard it.

(A/N) so, second chapter is up, whoop whoop! xD fan, vote and comment, please? :) oh, and who should I use as Damian? He needs to be blond! :) hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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