6 - Pet

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Horror was different. Granted, that meant little in my house, but, as fate would have it, Horror was essentially insatiable. He would eat anything, and I meant anything. It turned out that five-year-old skeletons who didn't eat enough in their early years would grow to need more food as they grew up, and Horror was no exception. It wasn't too much of a problem, though, since I always kept my food storage in a state to last for centuries - it was a blessing that monster food never expired - and there was no way Horror could eat all of it in several lifetimes. If he was fed properly, my medical books stated that his condition would gradually disappear, but until then, we just had to deal with it. As for Killer, he had found a distaste for peas - I couldn't blame him - recently, but he was as adventurous as ever, sometimes pretending to battle the evil "Pea King"; he was adaptable, for sure. I truly loved both of my boys, and the multiverse had allowed me to keep them; I was thankful for that. Killer was half a year older than Horror, making him six; we had celebrated his birthday a while ago. Currently, we were in the upper house, and I was watching them play together in the living room.

 "Roar!" Killer made a dragon fly above a village.

"Yummy.." Horror was controlling the villagers.

"Wait, they're supposed to be scared.."

"They're gonna die anyway, might as well eat cake!"

"Ooh!" Killer landed the dragon. "Roar! Dragon want cake!"

"Here you go, mister dragon!" Horror made the villagers give the dragon some cake.

"Thanks! I won't kill you, now!"


"I'll just burn your homes!"


"Roar! Fire! Yay!"

"Oh, no! Our homes!"

"Too bad! Dragon does what dragon wants!"

"Then we'll have dragon for dinner! Charge!" Horror made the villagers charge on the dragon.

"Tactical retreat!" Killer threw the dragon across the room. "Safe!"

"Aw, now we have no food."

"Now the heroes come!" Killer pulled out a superhero toy. "Here is your food, villagers!"

"Thanks, superhero!" Horror made the villagers dance.

"No problem, villagers!" 

I looked down at my watch. "Hm, it's time for me to start dinner."

"Ooh, can I help?" Horror hoped.

"Me, too!" Killer joined.

I chuckled a bit. "All right, you two can help."

"Yay!" They were ecstatic; I couldn't have asked for better children.

"Come on, then." I stood from my seat.

I led - more like followed - the boys to the kitchen, where my little helpers were ready to assist me; they were adorable, sometimes - all the time. I decided to let them choose what they wanted for dinner, and they decided on chicken; they weren't prepared for the question, "What kind of chicken?" We eventually decided on broiled chicken. As we had our fun in the kitchen, multiple pieces of chicken were mercilessly overseasoned and placed in situations no piece of meat would ever want to be put in; it would be edible, at least. Within a few hours, the edible pieces of meat were escorted to the dining room, where we ate together; the chicken actually didn't taste that bad, surprisingly! We conversed about games and other "important" matters while we ate, but it didn't take long for the conversation to drift into uncharted territory. Killer asked a question.

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