Christmas - 11 - Eve

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I can't think of a good Christmas thing to write because there's too much Christmas music playing-


"Carol of the Bells" is my favorite Christmas song, closely followed by "Can you Hear what I Hear?" Anybody else got favorite Christmas songs? I'd love to know what they are!

Comments are welcome and appreciated (especially Christmas songs)!

Also you're getting this early because being a girl can be painful. :3 I also didn't finish my second proofread because pain.

Please enjoy!


'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a blaster was stirring, not even Matrix (that was out of ordinary, because he usually passively hummed).

The stockings were hung by the fireplace with care (it wasn't lit, no worries), in hopes that Sansta soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of-

"Come on, guys!" 




"We shouldn't be doing this.." Dust voiced his opinion. "What if there's a law against this?"

"There isn't, Dust!" I assured. 

"But Dad's sleeping!"

"Yeah, so he won't know!"

"Do you think he'll put us on the naughty list for this?" Error didn't want to be on Sansta's bad side.

"No way! I bet tons of kids do this!"

"What if he doesn't come?" Cross questioned. "Do you think he'll cut us off if we don't get to bed?"

"I think he'll come." Horror was fairly sure. "We've been good, anyway."

"Now, let's get going!" I chuckled softly.

I led my little brothers into the living room, where we took our respective hiding places. Cross and Error squeezed behind the couch, Dust hid in the lowest shelf of a bookshelf, Horror positioned himself behind a wall, and I hid behind a chair. Now it was time to wait. We had decided about a week ago that we would wait for Sansta to come visit our house, but we had certainly not told Dad; he would have recited the entire, "Sansta won't come until you're all asleep," mantra. I knew this to be false, however, since I had seen in movies that children had sometimes waited for Sansta to come, and they had seen him! We just had to replicate that. We had put pillows under our sheets, and we had waited about an hour before leaving our beds; luckily, Sansta hadn't come yet. I knew that at least one of us would probably fall asleep if Sansta took his time in coming, but I was sure that I wouldn't! I had sneaked some candy to bed, and I would eat that if I needed extra energy; I would not allow myself to fall asleep for this! So we waited, and we continued to wait; I hoped that Dad wouldn't notice that we weren't asleep, but if he did, I supposed we would have had to postpone our mission until next year.

The hours before bed had been exciting; we had placed our gifts to eachother under the Christmas tree, and we had put out the milk and cookies for Sansta! We had decided to offer him chocolate milk - Error's idea - and an assortment of various cookie flavors, since we weren't sure what his favorite flavor was. We had put out chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, gingersnaps, gingerbread monsters, peanut butter cookies, sandwich cookies, and a few others; Sansta could take what he wanted and leave the rest behind, or he could take them with him! We had also watched a couple Christmas movies before bed, including one about a human who didn't like Christmas but changed at the end and one about a human who needed to be helped by an angel because his life was going down a dark path; we enjoyed all the movies, though! When we had finished them, we had gone to bed, but we hadn't gone to sleep, of course; we had work to do, and we were determined to see it through! Sansta would be spotted, and we would spot him! It was taking a bit longer than I had hoped, though; I wished he would come sooner..

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