Santa has a lot of frisking names. The longest list I found has 124 of 'em. One of them had the first name "Vader," so Darth Vader is Santa in some parallel dimension. Imagine Darth Vader sitting on a Death Star (with a giant bag of toys trailing behind, of course) that is led by eight or nine tiny lil' reindeer. Enjoy that thought.
Comments are welcome and appreciated (especially if it's about Vader Claus)!
Please enjoy!
I hadn't expected this request. I was aware that many families took their children to see a store Sansta around the holidays, but..I wasn't very sure if we would be accepted. It simply wasn't the same as what we normally did; we didn't need permission to make hot chocolate or to write letters..but we did need permission to meet a Sansta. If we showed up out of the blue, someone would know us, and they would likely cause a panic; it would have been worse if the Sansta knew us.
"I'm not sure.." I shook my skull. "It would be dangerous, Error."
"But Sansta knows we aren't bad!" Error said. "He gave us lots of presents last Christmas, and we haven't been any worse this year!"
"Error, the Sansta you want to see isn't the real one." I decided to be honest. "The ones who work in stores simply dress up like him; the real Sansta doesn't have time to work in a store, since he's at one of the many South Poles in the multiverse, helping his elves make toys."
"..I thought Sansta lived at the North Pole.."
"No, that's the Sansta for individual AUs; each one has their own version of him, while the big one works in the multiverse."
"Ooh..then those movies we watch are from inside AUs?"
"Yes, that is the case."
"What about the ones who work in stores? Are they the ones who live in North Poles?"
"No, Error; they live in homes with their families, and they look forward to seeing Sansta every year, too."
"..What if the real Sansta wanted to see some children and took a job temporarily?"
"..Then I suppose it could be possible, but very unlikely; there are billions of store Sanstas in the multiverse, and the mere chance of the one you want to go to actually being him to nothing. I'm sorry, Error."
"...Well..can we maybe try? Just once?"
"..." I sighed. "All right, Error, we'll try, but if the Sansta doesn't want to see us, I don't want any crying or complaining."
"Okay!" Error nodded, hugging me. "When do we go?"
"Well, when is Sansta going to be meeting people?"
"..Then I suppose we'll go in about an hour."
"Go tell your brothers about our plans."
Error smiled happily, running off to tell his brothers where we were going; I wished I had the ability to say no sometimes..but that smile was worth going out of my way for. An hour wasn't a long time, of course, and by the time my boys were lined up and ready to go, it was time. I was honestly worried about how this would turn out, but I had done more dangerous things before, and I was sure that this would turn out fine..probably. After I had opened a portal to the store in which the Sansta was appearing, we all walked through, and..well, if people hadn't been afraid at the sight of me, I would have been worried. They didn't seem to know who I was, but they maintained a safe distance from my family, and that was fine. After establishing the fact that no one would be attacking us, we went on our way to the..line. Surprisingly, the line to see Sansta wasn't that long, and even more surprisingly, Sansta was a..Sans. Usually in AUs, Sansta would be played by a human, but it seemed that we were lucky this time. As we waited in line, my boys chattered happily about what they were going to ask Sansta for - mostly the same things they had included in their letters this year - and giggled in excitement; it was good to see them happy.

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FanfictionThe Guardian of Negativity, sometimes called the King thereof. He's one of the coldest, meanest beings in the multiverse. So..why does he suddenly have small footsteps scurrying around the house? Nightmare Sans story. I do not own Nightmare Sans or...