Christmas - 3 - Letters

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Santa, if you move the 'n' to the end, spells Satan. Elves have pointy ears. There is something wrong here.

Some people are under the impression that Santa doesn't exist. But the multiverse is a magical place, so whatever the case in the real world, he exists in the multiverse.

Comments are welcome and appreciated!

Please enjoy!


Dust had made great progress with his fears since the talk I had had with him. That had been about half a year ago, and Dust had truly been opening up - not to everything, of course, but he didn't usually question what we ate anymore. Christmas was right around the corner, and when it was brought up for the first time, I had honestly..been surprised.

"You mean people celebrate that?" Dust had tilted his skull in confusion when Christmas was spoken of.

"Yeah?" Killer had thought that it was a given. "Haven't you ever celebrated Christmas?"

"Well.." Dust thought for a moment. "Only once..and I didn't really..celebrate it."

"What did you do?" Horror asked.

"The first two Christmases of my life I didn't remember..the third, I was in between homes..and the fourth..they decided I wasn't fit to.."

"What do you mean by that?" I inquired.

"My foster parents let everyone else out..but they wouldn't let me leave the bedroom all day.."

"They locked you in your bedroom while everyone else celebrated Christmas?" Killer couldn't believe it, and neither could Horror and I.

" that weird?"

"Yes!" Horror exclaimed. "That is really weird!"

"Oh..I thought it was normal."

"Dad, we need to celebrate Christmas now!" Killer decided.

"We'll get there, boys." I assured. "It's only a month away."

"Do you at least know what happens on Christmas?" Horror hoped.

"All I know is..something about a tree?" Dust shrugged.

"Don't you know about Sansta?!" Killer gasped.

"Uh..isn't it..Santa?"

"In the multiverse, a few people decided to add an s." I revealed. "Same being, different name. Some surface cultures also have different names for him, such as 'Old Saint Nicholas' and 'Kris Kringle.'"


"Yeah, and he brings presents to everyone!" Killer jumped. "On Christmas Eve, he AU hops all around the multiverse and brings toys to all the children on his nice list, but he gives coal to the ones on the naughty list!"

"..How do you get on a list?"

"To get on the nice list, you have to be really good all year, and if you're not, you get on the naughty list!"

"..I guess I'm on the naughty list, then.." Dust frowned.

"He makes exceptions, Dust." I put a hand on my youngest's shoulder. "He knows that you didn't intend to hurt anyone, and I think he'll put you on the nice list."



"Are his toys safe?"

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