48 - Captivity

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Yay two chapters in two days!

Comments are welcome and appreciated!

Please enjoy!


This was not good. I had been imprisoned two weeks ago, and the precautions my captors took were..foolproof. I had heard passing mention that my boys were trapped with me, although we were unfortunately separated. I was held in a cell with blank white walls, and it was very illuminated, allowing my every action to be monitored by the several cameras in the corners of the room. My arms were given limited motion, being bound together with one-foot-long chains at the wrists and two-foot-long chains at the elbows. My legs were in much the same predicament at the ankles and knees, except both of the chains were half a foot shorter than their counterparts. In addition to my common limbs, my appendages had been bound together behind me, unable to move. My cell had no bars, only bearing walls and a door. The door, unfortunately, had no window to allow me the leisure of being able to see outside my cell; it was painted white to match the rest of my room, and there was no doorknob on the inside, only being able to be opened from the outside, where I knew two guards were stationed at all times. The cell had been perfectly tailored to me, and I hated it.

"I don't see why we have to do this so often.." Someone on the other side of the door complained. 

"Let's just get it over with." Another sighed.

The door was opened, and I lay on the floor, not caring. Every ten minutes, my bonds and magic suppressors were checked, and anything that the multiverse may have broken was replaced..I could tell that the multiverse either wasn't trying very hard to break us out, or it wasn't as all-powerful as I had been led to believe. I received a sharp pain when that thought came to mind. In any case, the checks allowed me to know how much time had passed since my incarceration, and that was useful.

"Darn it, another one?!" One of the people - I hardly cared to look, since they were different people each time - groaned at the sight of a broken magic suppressor.

"Who in the multiverse makes these?!" The other sounded annoyed.

"I don't know, but they're not good enough!"

"I hate doing this.." 

"Would you like a quick and simple way out?" I offered, smirking.

"..Coming from you, probably not." The second glared at me. 

"You're the first in thirty minutes not to accept it."

"..What is it?"

I took a breath before speaking loudly. "Thank you for spying on the protectors for me!"

"What?!" The first jumped back when the door opened.

"Have fun with your background checks!" I snickered; I had never known that it was so fun to mess with people!

 I would probably grow tired of it in a few hours, though.


Killer. Yes, we're going through all of them because reasons.


I couldn't feel. I had tried, in the beginning, to feel, but my emotions just decided to..fade. They sometimes faded, just a little, when I was in a situation that didn't require them..but now I didn't need them at all. I just sat against the pitch-black wall of my cell, which looked like all the other walls..I didn't remember where the door was; it didn't matter. At this point, I was just waiting..waiting for my emotions to come back..waiting for a reason. Being emotionless was a good way to pass the time; I barely noticed it when my chains were checked, and I couldn't be bothered by the speech I didn't hear. I didn't have a reason to listen to the people who came in when they were two people one second and only one the next; I couldn't keep track of time. If there was any part of me showing emotion..it was my love..I wanted my family. I wanted to hug them all and be assured that everything was going to be all right in the end. Separated from them, in this stupid room..I couldn't have that.

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