What-If: Grandma

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This is mostly just for fun.

By the way, I'm halfway through the Christmas shorts, and I'm liking how they're going so far. One thing I was stupid about was miscalculating the amount of words I would have to write; for some reason, my mind told me 12,000. 12,000 words would have been a nice, round number to reach while writing Christmas shorts, and it would have been more than last year by nearly a thousand words. But, of course, 12 shorts with a 2,000 word minimum doesn't give 12,000 words..it gives 24,000 words. So..stupid brain go brr. In any case, I've written over 12,000 words since I uploaded the decision, and I have 12,000 words to go. I'm enjoying this, though, and there is no reason to worry! Although, because of the fact that I am writing all these words, I won't be updating anything else until I finish them. I hope you guys can understand! 

I've recently learned what Tl;Dr means. If you didn't read the long paragraph and still want to know what was discussed, here it is: I am halfway through the Christmas shorts yay.

With that out of the way, I offer a what-if scenario (without a word limit, because I'm tired right now) for Avid Adopter. This will take place shortly after Killer turns ten.

This isn't canon to the story.

Comments are welcome and appreciated!

Please enjoy!


This was utterly amazing. Despite the fact that I wasn't necessarily fond of the multiverse, it had done something incredible: it had made my boys..biologically mine. I wasn't questioning how that could happen, but knowing that my sons were truly my sons now..made me so happy! They didn't really understand how that worked, aside from Cross, but I would explain it later. That had happened several days ago, and I had been constantly happy since then; nothing could destroy my great mood!

"Dad, where did you come from?" Error asked.

"..What?" I looked to my youngest, my smile falling for the first time since the event.

"Well, we know where we came from..where did you come from?"

"You mean..as a child?"


"..." Thoughts of a battle-scarred wasteland flashed through my mind, joined by a crying statue and..a fallen tree.

"Dad, are you okay?" Killer wondered.

"Yes..why do you want to know that, Error?"

"You said you were a kid once, like us!" Error remembered. "You have to have a parent!"

"..I did have a parent.." I sighed, my mood officially dampened. "Your grandmother."

"We have a grandma?" Horror questioned. 

"...She died..a long time ago."

"How?" Cross inquired.

"...When I ate the apples off the Tree of Feelings, I went insane..and I killed her.."

"Like..me?" Dust frowned.

"No, Dust..I killed her because of insanity; you killed in self-defense."

"Was she nice?" Error hoped.

"She was...amazing. She listened when we wanted to talk, she never neglected us, and she didn't play favorites; she was the best mother I could ever imagine, and I loved her very much."

"She sounds like you.." Killer stated.

"I will admit that I try to raise you somewhat as she raised me."

"Does she have a grave?" Cross asked.

"..Yes, she has a grave..in Dreamtale."

"Can we visit it?"

"Why do you want to do that?"

"I want to know her..seeing the grave would help, I think."

"..I suppose I can take you there. Would the rest of you like to come?"

The rest of my boys, surprisingly, accepted the offer, and it was agreed that we would go immediately, since we had nothing to do at the moment. Creating a portal to my old home, I took a deep breath; I hadn't been in Dreamtale since before I had adopted my boys..much before that. The sky was still cloudy, but the grass was clear of dust; I supposed that decades' worth of wind would blow it far away. My boys grabbed my hands and tentacles as we approached the dead tree stump that lay on top of a hill, and they silently questioned it when I sat down in front of it.

"There is something I should have told you boys a long time ago.." I bowed my skull slightly. "The Tree of Feelings..was my mother. She fused her being with it..and became the tree..she created us to protect her.."

"Our grandma's a tree?" Error gathered.

"In a way, yes..your grandmother was a tree."

"Does that make us trees?"

I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped me. "No, Error, you're skeletons."

"..Are you a tree?"

"No, I'm a spirit."

"Aren't you a skeleton, too?" Horror thought. 

"No, I just have the form of one; I can actually shapeshift, but that isn't important right now."

"..How many other things can you do?" Killer wondered. 


I wasn't looking forward to that conversation.

~~~short end woot~~~

Night bean has some explaining to do.

Mm that was nice and short. 

Thanks for reading my short writing!


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