This chapter was requested by ficreader4 and mg39771 (yes, I merged two ideas yay). If these individuals would like their credits removed, please say so. If nothing is said, the credits will remain here.
It had been about two months since Error had gotten his glasses, and everything seemed to be moving along okay. It was a bit difficult getting Error used to his job, but he was getting the hang of it quickly; he said that the glasses were harder to get used to. Unfortunately, after a medical exam, it was confirmed that Error's eyesight would remain how it was, but, thankfully, his eyesight would not get worse due to the quick response with healing magic. He had fought Ink almost every time he had to destroy, which resulted in his having a great deal of injuries; Ink never held back with him. I had begun to notice that even in normal negativity runs, Ink was frustrated, attacking whoever he was fighting - usually Dust, unfortunately - much harder than before. My boys needed a break, and that was evident. They needed time to be children again, not Guardians. As a result, I was taking them to a festival in a surface AU; it was apparently cowboy themed, and my boys loved cowboys. I just needed to wait for the right moment to approach them with the news. I knew they would love it, but I needed to time it properly; directly after battle wasn't the best time, but during breakfast was.
"So, boys." I spoke up, drawing all of my boys' attention - except for Horror's, but I knew he was still listening - to me. "I was wondering if you'd all like to come with me to an event."
"What kind of event?" Killer was interested.
"Well, a surface AU is having a cowboy festival-" I was cut off, as expected.
"I'm in!" Killer declared; the rest of my boys smiled in agreement.
"Can I wear my cowboy outfit?" Error hoped.
"You can all wear your cowboy outfits." I nodded, chuckling slightly.
"Yay!" Error threw a strawberry in the air out of his excitement, which landed in Horror's skull..
"Agh!" Horror shuddered, reaching inside of his skull to pull out the food item in question. "I'm not a golf hole!"
"Whoops.." Error chuckled nervously.
"I hereby claim ownership of this fruit." Horror smiled at the strawberry.
"But I was the one who had it first!"
"It landed in my head; do you want my head germs in your food?"
"...Take the berry."
"Thank you, Error!" Horror ate the strawberry.
"Here, Erry; you can have one of mine." Cross tossed a strawberry to Error, who caught it.
"Thank you, Crossy!" Error grinned happily.
"No problem!"
"When is the cowboy thing?" Killer questioned.
"It should be taking place in a couple hours; we'll be ready." I assured.
"All right."
"Are you boys excited?"
"Yes!" Error clapped his hands quickly.
"Cowboys make good food." Horror was thinking of the culinary possibilities.
"Listen here, partner, we got a lotta room in this here town, but it ain't enough for the both of us, so how's about you just mosey on outta this saloon, and we'll be callin' it even?" Killer did his best cowboy impression, causing everyone to giggle; he was quite good at it!

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FanfictionThe Guardian of Negativity, sometimes called the King thereof. He's one of the coldest, meanest beings in the multiverse. So..why does he suddenly have small footsteps scurrying around the house? Nightmare Sans story. I do not own Nightmare Sans or...