38 - Conversation

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Fun fact: the side part of glasses are called temples. Research is fun!

Comments are welcome and appreciated!




My brother's family was not at all what I had expected it to be. According to Ink's "eyewitness testimony," which I had already begun to doubt that one time we had been captured, the children were kept in cages and fed once a week, with frequent abuse and brainwashing taking over their bodies so Nightmare could use them as willing pawns. Yeah, that wasn't right in the least. From my eyewitness testimony, I found that the children each had their own rooms, they had three meals a day, and Nightmare never raised a hand to them. Anyone looking in could clearly see that there was a strong sense of love in this family, and no member was deemed higher or lesser than the others. I..was very proud of my brother when I realized that he wasn't causing chaos just because he was evil, but I was also very angry, because he was too stubborn to tell me about the balance in the first place! Despite noticing all of this, it was only my first day here; it also turned out that the "evil lair" that Ink and I had infiltrated was Nightmare's secret castle, and it was awesome! There was an entire room dedicated to fluff! Today, I was getting accustomed to the house before helping Nightmare teach his oldest three boys how to sense emotions; he was doing that right now.

"Your glasses are nice." I was speaking to my youngest nephew - I still couldn't get over the fact that I had nephews! - Error at the moment, and Cross was right next to him.

"Thanks!" Error smiled, touching the rims. 

"How..do they work, though?" I didn't see anything holding them up; there weren't even temples! 

"They're held up by magic!"

"That's interesting. Why do you need them, though?" The first few times I had seen Error, he certainly hadn't been wearing glasses.

"..." Error fell silent, slowly scooting over to his big brother, who took him into a hug.

"Sorry..he's a bit sensitive about that." Cross filled in. "He was injured in a battle..very badly."

"Oh.." I felt sorry for asking. "So..how exactly are you able to have emotional powers? I thought only Nightmare and I had them.."

"It's complicated.." Cross paused for a moment. "When each of us turned ten, we were linked to our balances. Error is the Guardian of Destruction, though, which means that he can't use emotional powers - only destructive ones. The rest of us can, though. When we were linked, we received special powers that are related to emotions, such as sensing them. It's a bit overwhelming, but we're adjusting..it's really hard to focus when you're being bombarded by strong emotions.."

"I understand that." I had had the same problems..it was annoying sometimes. "Why do you have to be Guardians, though? Can't you just be normal children?"

"No..it doesn't work like that. If we were never made into Guardians, we wouldn't have been adopted, and it's more than likely that at least one of us would have been dead by now."

"What made it so you had to be Guardians, then?"

"..It started before I got here, but I know enough. Killer was four or five when Dad met him, and he was living in an orphanage with people who hurt him badly. Dad defended him one day and took him home to heal him, but he had to give him back to the orphanage."

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