24 - We're

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Ayy! I would like to thank everyone who participated in the voting for blaster traits and other things, as these chapters wouldn't exist without you guys! There were a lot of amazing ideas given, and choosing from them was difficult, but I'm happy with the result, and I hope you will be, too! Sorry if your idea wasn't used :( couldn't use everyone's, but they were all amazing, and I thank you.

I find it funny that one of the requests for Cross's blaster's name was Blade, but I had already planned that for Killer's xD

Also the only reason Killer gets a second blaster (later) is because I don't want my brother shortening my life expectancy (probably kidding..he wouldn't kill me..yet); he wanted a male, but the votes said otherwise, so he must live with it.

If you're interested in more of the little boys, @Star123light456 has made an amazing oneshot inspired by the little ones! (Not gonna lie, I've read it like four times and I still get feels).

Without further ado, enjoy the blaster tales!




It had been roughly three months since Error got his blaster. His magic was apparently very powerful, which made sense, since he was going to have to fight Ink, who was also very strong. It was a bit awkward knowing that the youngest one in the family got a blaster before the oldest, but I had been working on catching up with him; I was going to make second, and that was final! Actually, I was only competing with Cross; Horror didn't really want to make a blaster before he was ready, and Dust's magic was still on the weak-for-his-age side, which made it unlikely for him to get a blaster before I did. Cross, however, had the strongest magic after Error; Dad wouldn't tell us why, but I had a feeling it was something about the fact that he had been with that laboratory before living with us. Cross's magic sometimes started up without his knowledge, and it often ended very badly. The thing I was focusing on, however, was the fact that his erratic powers allowed him to use blue magic before Blue taught it to us; it just snapped one day, and he could use it! It was still weird when someone randomly lifted into the air, but Cross was working on keeping it controlled. I just didn't want him to get a blaster before I did..I needed to get one.

So one hour a day, every day, was put aside for the sole purpose of getting that blaster. It wasn't because I wanted to be better than everyone else; it was just my duty. As the oldest, I was in charge if Dad was sick or something, and I needed stronger magic to protect my brothers if something bad happened. I still wasn't sure about the personality or anything, but one thing was for sure: I wanted to name it Blade. I had decided that a long time ago, and that was what was going to happen; Blade was the best name I could think of. At the moment, Dad was taking Horror and me to work in some sort of..candy-coated AU? I didn't understand that..Horror seemed to want to eat everyone and everything. The people were literal gingerbread men; I wasn't sure if they were edible, but Horror had to be held back from finding out..he settled on eating some..candy cane flowers? Anyway, that was what was happening, and I wasn't going to question it for sake of..everything. I wondered if Cross and Error would have liked this place..there was a lot of chocolate..maybe I would bring it up for a trip sometime. Yeah, I would. I had just defeated a gingerbread man in combat when a few portals opened; Horror and I rushed over to Dad to find Ink, Uncle Dream, and Blue. 

"Nightmare, stop your evil ways!" Ink was always so mean to Dad; we didn't like him. "Haven't you hurt enough people?!"

"It won't ever be enough, artist." Dad said stuff like that to make sure that the others didn't know that we had to do this; the multiverse didn't want them to know - except Blue, for some reason. 

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