17 - Balance

691 49 10



"Eat?" I looked up at Ink.

"Oh, sure." Ink dropped a fork. "Go nuts."

"Num!" I ate it.

"Why did I make you to eat metal? What was I thinking?"

"Num num."

"Whatever, I'll see ya later, kid." He left me in my cage.

"Back..back! Back!" I cried.

I sobbed in my cage; Ink always forgot about me..I didn't like being forgotten...

"Erry?" Someone..was there? "Erry, it's morning."

"Morning?" I yawned; it was morning..morning meant..play? Play?!

"Yep, morning!" Kills's voice was evident; he was there!

"Morning!" I opened my eyesockets; I wanted to play!

"Good morning, Error! It's time to get up!"

"Okay!" I slid out of my bed, ready for the amazing day ahead of me!

"Do you want to try to dress yourself?"

"Yes! I can do this!" 

"All right, I'll help you if you need me."

I grabbed a shirt; that was important! Oh, I had to take off my pajamas first..I did that and picked up the shirt again. There were three holes to put my skull through..which one was it? Um..I decided to use all three of them, but my skull didn't fit? My skull wasn't that big! I was stuck..

"Help!" I couldn't get my skull unstuck! "Kills!"

"I gotcha." Kills helped me get unstuck; he was a good big brother!

"Thank you!"

"No problem. Do you want help now?"

"Uh..yes, please." Putting on my own clothes was a task I couldn't manage.

"I'll get you ready." Kills picked out some awesome-looking clothes and started helping me put them on! "I think Dad's going to do a teaching thing with you, today."

"What kind of teaching thing?" I noticed that Kills only used the middle hole for my skull; I had to remember that. 

"I think it's something about being the Destroyer." Kills made sure my shirt was perfect!

"What's the Destroyer, again?" 

"You, but you only start when you're ten." Kills grabbed some pants.

"Are you ten?"

"Almost. Next month, I'll be ten." Kills helped me put the pants on.

"Will I be ten, too?"

"No, you're seven. You still have to be eight and nine before you're ten." Kills grabbed some socks.


"Because that's how it works." Kills tickled my feet when he put the socks on.

"Hey, that tickles!"

"I'm the tickle monster! Roar!"

"No, spare me!"

"Why should I spare you?"

"Because I'll hug you!"

"Hmm, that's a deal." Kills hugged me, and I hugged him back. "I love you, Error."

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