31 - Questionable

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Btw, the character seen in this chapter isn't an OC - it's a plot point!

Iiiiiin any case, da plot point shall only impact dis chapter.

Haha this was supposed to be Cross angst but it turned into something weird..I dunno what this is anymore.

You don't even need to read most of this it's horrible like oh my gosh what was I thinking-

Only the first two paragraphs are important the rest is skippable-


Cross was going to join us on our runs in one month; he didn't seem as concerned about it as the others had been, but he still didn't like the thought of killing someone. Speaking of the others, they were having struggles of their own..some were less urgent than others, of course. Killer was taking on the task of teaching the blaster family new tricks. He had gotten most of them to roll over on command, but Ash and Star didn't seem too interested in tricks; Star became dizzy easily, and Ash was simply too timid to even think of attempting tricks - he preferred to join Dust in fluffy land, which now had a permanent spot in a previously empty room in the lower house. Ah, Dust..the past year had been hard on him, unfortunately; if Ink hadn't had the political impact of being the Creator and Protector of AUs and someone had seen what he did to my son, he would have been inmprisoned months ago. He had captured him shortly after Error had started his tests for destroying, and when we rescued him, it wasn't the prettiest sight; I was waiting to get that no-good artist alone..just for a few minutes, no interruptions..I would put him in his place! We had gotten so far with helping Dust overcome his fears, but that soulless artist just had to undo years of work! At least Dust would trust us..although that was the extent.

Dust had one thing going for him, though; he was obedient to a fault. If the multiverse wanted something done, Dust would do it with few to no questions asked; as a result, however, we didn't know his standard. We hoped it wouldn't be too bad. Perhaps the multiverse was capable of pity..I doubted it. Horror wasn't really in the middle of anything too urgent, but he had volunteered to allow Error to use him as a puppet for his string training; he was getting better at it, and he had defeated the Underswap Papyrus multiple times in combat with various skill sets. In seven months, the Destroyer would be a large threat..I was just hoping that Ink didn't go overboard with him. Ink hated Dust just for firing a few attacks at him; I didn't want to know what was going to happen when AUs began to disappear randomly! I was hoping that we could keep Error's job as the Destroyer a secret for as long as possible - until he was an adult, preferably, even if it was a pointless goal - to keep from further angering the Creator. Today, we were taking some time to just relax as we used to; my boys deserved a good childhood, and I was determined to give it to them. We were in a park in a surface AU at the moment.

"Nice kids, huh?" Someone was seated beside me on a bench; this AU didn't know about the multiverse, and I was more than able to fit in with the inhabitants.

"Mhm." I smiled as I watched my boys playing with the other children. 

"Are any of them yours? I mean, if you don't mind a question like that..gosh, I'm an idiot sometimes, sorry.." The one beside me was a skeleton..interesting.

"It's no problem, really, but I'm not really too keen on sharing my family relations; better safe than sorry."

"Yeah, I get that. Sorry."

"I'm sure your children like it here." 

"Oh, I don't have any..at least, not yet..soon. I'm scouting out places for the little one..got any suggestions?"

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