Chapter 17-Gwen

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Hey, Guys! I'm so sorry I haven't posted up any new chapters in a while. My computer crashed and I didn't have anywhere to upload my story but now its all good :)) I'm going to try something the end of this chapter I'm going to ask a question and the person who answers it as close to the plot of my story will get the next chapter dedicated to them! Well, without further's the next chapter. I hope you all enjoy! :D

Chapter 17-Gwen

The weekend had gone by like a winter breezed; cool and content.  I barely remember where all the time had gone.  The truth was that when I was with Gabriel everything felt never ending.  Time didn't matter when I was with him.  For once, in the last couple of months, I felt happy.  Truly and amazingly happy.  I couldn't believe that I had almost missed coming because of my own stupid reasons, reasons that didn't seem to matter anymore.  Gabriel showed me the truth that I was so blind to see and instead tried to avoid.

Everyone was loading up their stuff onto the trailer and getting aboard the bus.  I was looking out into the woods and listening to the chirping of the birds.  Their song was beautiful in the cool December air.  I saw the way the sun shinned through the tops of trees and made everything magical and surreal.  There was a slight fog in the air and it made everything beautiful and serene.  It was also mysterious like if the forest had secrets that were unseen to the human eye.  I stood there in awe, listening to the sounds around me until I heard footsteps approaching.

"Hey, you ready to go?"  Gabriel's voice was deafening compared to stillness and quiet of the forest.

I turned around and saw his beautiful blue-green eyes waiting for me to answer.  No, I thought. I don't want to leave.  "Yeah, I'm going to miss this place.  It's so beautiful here."  I sighed.  He put his arms around me and I felt instantly warmer.  I hadn't realized how cold I had been.  We stood quietly for a few minutes until I knew that it was time to go.

I turned around, still holding onto his hand and said, "I'll be there in a sec."  and kissed him lightly on the lips.  "I just want to make sure I didn't forget anything."

He brushed a strand of my hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.  "Okay, I'll see you in a few minutes."  He gave my hand a soft squeeze before he left.

I watched him walk away and then I went to the spot where Gabriel and I had sat by the warmth of the fire that first night here.  I knelled down on the ground and put my hand on the soft soil, feeling its texture on my fingerprints.  "This is life and its time I start living it."  I breathed out.

I silently made myself a promise and then gathered my last belongings in my messenger bag.  I stood for a moment and looked around me, taking everything in.  Then I walked towards the bus, not wanting to leave but knowing that I'd come back again, someday.


I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a car.  It was Gabriel's car and he was driving the all too familiar path home.  There was a blanket covering me and warm air was blasting from the air vents.  There was a soft melodic tune coming from the stereo.  No wonder I had fallen asleep.  The harmony of the piano was like a lullaby.  The clock on the stereo read 11:43 p.m. 

"How did I get here?"  I asked groggily, sitting up and wrapping the blanket around me.

"I carried you from the bus.  You were fast asleep and I didn't want to wake you up."  He sounded tired and when he looked at me, I saw that he had dark circles under his eyes.

"Oh."  I reached over and held his hand in mine.  His hand was a bit cold but in a few minutes it became warm underneath mine.  I looked out the window and saw the houses pass one by one until my own came into view.  There was no sign of life, as I looked at my house.  My mom must have been sleeping, considering the fact that it was almost midnight.

"We're here.  I'll help you in."  Gabriel said, turning off the engine and in a matter of seconds he was next to my door, opening it and helping me out.

"Thanks."  I smiled up at him.

He furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his chest.  "For what?"

"For,"  I hesitated.  There were so many things I needed to thank him for.  So many things he has done for me.  "For being there for me when no one else was.  For understanding me and reassuring me, Gabriel.  Just everything."  My voice cracked, warning that I was about to cry.

He pulled me in to him and held me in his arms.  "I told you I'm not going to leave you, again."  He whispered in my ear.

"Again?"  I unhinged myself from his embrace and looked up at him, confused.  "What do you mean by 'again'?"

He took a step back and looked perplexed.  "Nothing."  He shrugged it off and went to the truck to grab my things.  "Now, let's get you inside.  It's cold and I wouldn't want your mom to think I got you sick."  He joked.

"Alright," was all I said.

As he unloaded the rest of my things, I couldn't help but think of what "again" might have meant.  People just don't accidentally say words like that and not let it mean anything.  No.  Gabriel wasn't telling me the truth.  He was hiding something from me...but then again, he could have just meant the night that I had discovered the truth about my father's affair.  He had left me.  No, that couldn't be what he meant.  He had to leave sooner or later, he couldn't have stayed...



"Yes?"  I answered, breaking away from my thoughts.  There was that voice again, gnawing at me.

"C'mon, what are you doing standing in the cold for."  Gabriel called from the porch.

I dragged my feet towards my house.  "Nothing.  Just thinking about what your hiding."  I muttered.


Well there it is! I'm sorry that it wasn't very eventful but it was necessary.  There is a voice that Gwen keeps hearing.  She heard it in the first chapter and has heard it throughout the story.  My question is: Who or what is the voice that she keeps hearing?  Remember whoever answers it as closely to the storyline gets the next chapter dedicated to them! :)

I'm excited to see what you guys think.  Remember to vote, comment, fan :D

<3 addy :)

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