Chapter 46-Gabriel

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who has ever loved a story


I pushed Gwen back behind me and handed her the sword that I materialized.  I whispered, “Get into the cabin if you can.  It’s protected by wards and demons won’t be able to get in.  You’ll be safe.”

She looked at me, a protest ready on her lips.  “Gwen, go.”  She nodded and took off running towards the cabin but was stopped by one of the demons.  While the first and second demons were fighting us, the third demon was sitting on a rock by the shaded trees, arms crossed over its chest and observing the fight before him-itHe won’t be looking so smug once I send it back to its hell hole.

The demon that spoke charged forward; its claws biting at my skin, causing angry red marks across my chest.  It burned like if someone had just scalded my skin with hot water, sizzling as it burned my skin. The demon caught me off guard with the attack and it definitely caused anger to course through my veins.  “Not so tough now are you, little Keeper.”  It said standing in front of me.

Demons could be very stupid and this one was no exception.  I took my blade and stabbed the sword right into its stomach.  It looked down at the blade and back up at me with a grin on its evil perturbed face.  “No, no.”  It said moving backwards and taking its body out of my sword.  “A simple wound can’t harm me.  You’re going to have to do better than that.”

Goes, to show how stupid demons were.  Well, if I blade didn’t harm it, decapitation always did the trick.  I leaped forward and did a double kick, making the demon sprawl backwards, landing on its back.  I ran towards its fallen body before it had a chance to get back up again.  My sword rested on the crook of its neck, so that the demon wouldn’t be able to get away so easily.  It will bleed if the creature moved. 

I saw Gwen from the corner of my eye, engaged in battle with a demon.  She looked like an avenging angel, her sword gleaming in the sunlight as she beheaded the evil creature.  Her light brown hair spilling over her shoulders in soft waves. 

“You can’t save her.”  I looked down at the demon and saw that he was looking where Gwen stood.  “More will just come after her.”  It finished in a raspy voice.

I stepped on its chest with the heal of my foot.  I was interested in what it had to say.  He was talking about Gwen.  I knew that for certain.  I l pressed my sword to the edge of its neck, drawing blood.  “What are you talking about?”  I demanded.  “Answer me or I’ll end your existence right here and now.”

It laughed, bitterly.  “You think I’m afraid of you.  Kill me now.  I won’t betray my Master.”  It spat.

I moved my sword, the razor edge cutting at its flesh, making blood run down its neck.  “Well, if that’s your answer then I’ll-” I raised my sword ready to decapitate the evil creature but before I slew it, the demon said, “You can’t save her.  She’ll die.”

 Then the blade cut through its demonic neck.  Flames sparked out of its body and began to engulf the evil creature.  The flames of hell.  The demons that only burst into flames after they were killed were the Bivlonti demons.  But if it was a Bivlonti demon that means…

“Damn it!”

I ran towards Gwen and found her watching the flames of the demon she slew, mesmerized by its power.  The flames were a brilliant red with yellow sparks that danced and licked at her skin.  I shook her shoulders and she looked up at me, dazed and uncertain.  Pulling her away from the fire, I saw that there were burn marks along her arms.  There was a long jagged cut on her forehead and her lip was split down the middle beginning to swell.  Long red claw marks ran from her shoulder blades all the way to her forearms.  Her elbows were skimmed and bloodied along with her knees.  She was covered with blood and no longer looked like the sweet and caring girl that she is but instead like a Keeper.

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