Chapter 44-Gabriel

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Hey everyone! :) 

Well, I'd like to apologize for not uploading sooner. I just had a bad case of writer's block and I still had it while writing this chapter. So, please tell me if it truly horrible..I'd really love your suggestions to try to make it better :)

This chapter is dedicated to AphroditeKid :) She made the awesome new cover and had to deal with my demand-yness...? lol anyways thank you kiddo! I love it and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter  :D


Chapter 44-Gabriel

“Wow!  This is unbelievable.  It’s just how I remembered it.”  Gwen said, dropping her bags in the entry way and walking into the living room.  “Just like when we were kids, Gabe.  Oh!”  I followed her gaze and saw what she was looking at.  “We were such little hooligans, weren’t we?”

I chuckled.  “I forgot all about that.  But yes, I guess you’re right.”  I walked over to the fireplace and kneeled down on the floor.  Gwen followed after and we both looked at the carving before us.  G & G were here.  I smiled at the small, barely legible writing.  I was the one who carved our initials into the wood while Gwen wrote ‘were here’

“Good times.”  She smiled and took my hands in hers.  “How about you and I get this place into tip top shape and then go swimming out in the lake?”

“Hmm…sounds good.”

She let go of my hands and walked over to the entry way to get her bags.  She smiled at me but then she froze.  She stiffened and suddenly took on a faraway look in her eyes, her head tilted to the side as if listening to something.  I cocked my head to listen but I heard nothing.  There was just the faint murmur of the heater through the wall.  The way that Gwen changed in an instant was abrupt and immediately worry settled in my mind.  Walking over to Gwen, I stood in front of her but it was like she didn’t know I was even there.  Her eyes were glazed over like she was somewhere else.

“Gwen?”  I snapped my fingers.  “Gwen!”  I shook her shoulders and she snapped out of her revere.

“Yes?”  She blinked twice.  “How did you get in front of me so fast?   You’re hurting me.”

“Oh.”  I let go of her shoulders.  “What happened?  Did you hear something or see-”

She shook her head vigorously.  “No.  Nothing.  Umm…let’s start cleaning this place up.  It’s really dusty and I feel like my allergies are going to start acting up.” She said plainly. 

I looked at her completely dumbfounded.  “Are you sure-”

“Gabriel, I’m fine.”  She started walking towards one of the bedrooms and gave me a small smile.  “Stop worrying so much.”  She disappeared as she turned the corner and I heard the thunk of her bags hitting the wood floor.

I wasn’t convinced.  Something happened to her, obviously.  Something she wasn’t going to tell me.  I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to find it empty.  We needed to go to the grocery store and buy food.  Then again, I can just materialize food…

“Are we going to start cleaning or what?”  Gwen appeared her hands on her hips and a playful smile on her lips. 

“How about you start while I go to the grocery store?”  I offered.  “I’ll be back in half an hour.”

She scoffed.  “Yeah, let the girl do all the housework around here.  You better bring back good food not junk food.  We need real food.”

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