Dear Readers/Fans!
I would love to thank every single of you who has read, commented, voted, promote...all that jazz! I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. I honestly don't think I would have finished Escaping Death if I didn't have the support that you guys give me. You see, you guys are the only ones who loved the story just as much as I did. I sincerly thank you guys for that <3
There are a few people that I would personally like to thank like Nadie_Rae and JanBear04. You guys have been there for me since the beginning. It's been a long journey and I'm happy that I could have shared it with you guys :) Your constant support on the story really made my days sometimes when things weren't going so well. But I thank you guys and love you! You two are really great friends :)
There is also innamorare who has become a fast friend over the last week and has caught up with my story just in time to read the ending. I was shocked! :O I mean talk about a fast reader ;) She is also an amazing friend :)
They all are really close friends to me and I wouldn't have believed that wattpad could do that but it did. Well all shared common intrests and quickly bonded over those things. Nadie_Rae, JanBear04, and innamorare are all phenomenal writers. You like my stuff? I suggest that you go and read their beautifully written stories! :)
There are so many others to thank like AphroditeKid, who made my awesome new cover (she's also a great writer! Love her stories!!), angelordevil_211, bananabread, who is always making me laugh with her randomness (lol she also has an amazing story!), bloomelina, who is a little sister to me, myescapefromreality (she didn't sleep because she stayed up reading my story xP Amazing stories too!), and rgodofmischifj (even though he hasn't quite finished yet xP).
I have so many people to thank like you silent readers out there! I know who you and I swear that I'm not a stalker but when I'm on I see the little notification on the chat bar that says that you have voted. Thanks to gdao19, phrankiestar, and ChelseaDanielle for your support by voting :) I hope this gets you to comment at the end. I'd love to talk to you :D
If there is someone I missed I sincerly apologized! So many people to thank and it just slips my mind. But hopefully you don't take into offense. I really do love everyone who has supported my story :) I really love you guys!!
Okay, now onto announcements! :D
I'm excited about this and I hope that you guys are also excited. Thank bloomelina for suggesting that I write a story about Calder (for all you Calder fans, you are going to love this!). I thought that it was a really good idea. So I have decided to begin to write a prequel of Escaping Death but in Calder's perspective. Just you wait :) You will see how different the characters are beforehand. Well, I hope that it comes that way. I have begun to write the story and I have no titles yet so that is open to comment if you guys have something. Just leave a comment at the end of this :)
Here is a little excerpt from the Prequel:
“Go back to the Council!” I ordered.
Kimberly looked at me with hesitant eyes. They held fear and worry. “No, I’m stay with you.”
“You need to go and tell them about the situation here. Tell them to bring back up.”
A demon’s body landed in front of me. There was green blood oozing from its chest where the dagger was sticking right through its demonic heart. Gabriel came around and pulled his dagger out of its lifeless body without hesitation. I noticed dried blood at the corner of his mouth and his hands, his shirt was cut up and stained with more blood that was black instead of red.
“What are you two doing?” He demanded. “This isn’t the time to stand around and talk. Either fight or leave.”
We didn’t have time to answer because another demon was sneaking up behind Gabe ready to attack. Without thinking, I grabbed my dagger from my boot and threw it, sending it flying and piercing the demon right through its heart. It collapsed right next to Gabriel with a hard thunk. Gabriel looked down at the demons dead body and up at me, giving me a slight nod of gratitude.
“We need to get out of here. I’m not leaving you guys here.” Kimberly said.
“Calder, she’s right. We need back up. There’s too many of them.” Gabriel said while blocking a demons attack with his forearm and then slicing its throat with his sword. It was now slicked with black demonic blood.
What do you guys think? :D
Also, I have told some of you that I've been thinking of writing a sequel of Escaping Death and I might just do it! I am really excited about it and have an idea planned out in my head. The sequel will be called Immortal Ties :) The title for the sequel was thanks to innamorare for helping me and I thought it was perfect!
Here is an excerpt that I have so far:
It's another one of those nights where I am plagued by nightmares. One nightmare in particular that haunts my dreams from time to time. Sweat covers my body as if I'd been running a marathon and I'm panting for air, my chest heaving up and down rapidly.
I'm alone in the vast darkness of my bedroom . There is only the sound of my labored breathing and the loud drumming of my heart in my chest, indicating that I'm still alive, that I'm still whole. It was just a dream, a dream that torments me to the core, making me believe that I actually die for a moment. It's just a moment but it feels real.
Reaching over to my nightstand, I flick on the lamp, illuminating the room with soft dim lighting. I sit up in bed, leaning my head back against the headboard, taking long deep breaths to calm my racing heart.
Its been seventy five years since Gwen's death and it has tormented me for all these years.
What do you think? You guys are probably going to hurt me for teasing you these excerpts xP
Lastly, has everyone forgotten about Gwen's letter??? Well, I will be posting her letter up in a few days! :) You will get to read what exactly she wrote to Gabriel. I got the idea from Cassandra Clare. If you have read The Mortal Instruments books (which I highly recommend!), then you will know that Jace wrote a letter to Clary that told of his love for her and that he was leaving to face his enemy. It was in the third book, City of Glass, but the letter wasn't in all the printed copies of the book so she released the letter on her website. I will be doing the same thing :) Part of my reasoning for this is because I like to torture you guys but it's out of love! xP
I think that is it! I hope that I didn't bore you with this long message but I really felt like I needed to thank you guys for everything. You guys mean the world to me and I get happy when I read your comments on my story and see how much you love it as much as I do. So thank you for that :)
Tell me what you think about the projects I'll be doing. I'd love to hear your thoughs :D
Are you guys excited?! :))
Talk to you guys later! :]

Escaping Death [Watty Awards]
FantasyWhen Gabriel Montehue comes back into Gwen Hampton's life, she doesn't know what to expect. A turn of events occur and suddenly Gwen can not remember a single thing about him. He becomes a stranger in Gwen's eyes; completely forgetting that they've...