Hey Everyone! So...I couldn't wait to post this chapter up! :) It was fun writing this and it's sort of a break from everything that has been going on with Gabriel and Gwen. I hope you guys like it! This chapter is dedicated to AphroditeKid and her overwhelming support on this story! She recently became a new fan and I'm truly thankful for all her comments and love for the story! :) Thank you girly!! I really, really appreciate it!!!
Well....now on to the story :))
Chapter 39-Training & Date
The next day, Kimberly and I did not spar like the guys had said we would. Instead it was just another running day and then Gabriel took me to the Training Room and began to teach me hand to hand combat.
“You are going to spar with her once you are ready.” He said.
We were in the school courtyard, walking towards the parking lot to his car. I had to take a make-up test for Literature and Gabe had waited for me until I was out. The school was practically empty and it was weird being here so late. I looked at the clock on my Blackberry: 3:45 p.m.
“But I’ll never get to spar with her. She’s leaving Monday and that is in,” I counted off the days on my fingers and said, “Five days. How will I possibly be ready in less than a week?”
“You’ll be ready after you’re done with me.”
I gave him a very haughty expression and left it at that. I didn’t know what he meant at the time but I figured out what he meant that day after school and the days following. Gabriel had decided to “drill” and “push” me for all that I had in me. It was the worst time of my life and I dreaded going to practice every day.
“C,mon, Gwen. Punch it as hard as you can. Imagine it’s someone that you truly dislike.” Gabriel said, while holding the punching bag in place.
“I am.”
“No you’re not. Punch it like you mean it.”
“I’m about to punch you right now.” I muttered.
He gave me a sly smile. “That’s what I’m talking about. Use that anger. I know you probably hate me right now but use that.” He pressed.
I punched harder. “Good.” He said.
I punched it as hard as I could, switching my hands back and forth. Right, left. Right, left. Right, left. My muscles screamed for me to stop but I ignored the pain as best I could. It was pure torture and I could feel my body’s complaint every morning. “Good. Now, do an undercut punch.” Gabriel said.
I did as he instructed. “Better.” I switched back to punching the bag and gained a steady rhythm. “Okay, now I want you to kick the bag with all the force that you can. Got it?”
I nodded and kicked. It wasn’t that good and Gabe took notice of that. “Again.”
I gave him another haughty look and I kicked again, this time harder. “Better. Now, do that again but harder, Gwen. C’mon.”
I bounced on the balls of my feet and kicked the bag as hard as I could. I saw Gabriel stagger back a step and a grin formed on his lips. “Excellent!” He came around and picked me up from the ground. “That was great!”
I put my hands on my hips and smiled at his commandment. “Well, I have an amazing teacher even if you are sometimes cruel.” I winked.
He laughed. “Okay, I think that’s enough for today.” He helped me take off my gloves. “You’ve really improved over the past four days. Your endurance has built up. You can easily keep up with us now. Your form in hand to hand combat has gotten better since the first day we started.” He praised. “I think you’ll put up a fight for Kim on Monday before she leaves.”

Escaping Death [Watty Awards]
FantasiaWhen Gabriel Montehue comes back into Gwen Hampton's life, she doesn't know what to expect. A turn of events occur and suddenly Gwen can not remember a single thing about him. He becomes a stranger in Gwen's eyes; completely forgetting that they've...