Chapter 34-Gabriel

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  • Dedicated to To all of you who have fallen in love with a character in a book

Hey guys! Soo I'm updating because Nadie_Rae was harassing me to hurry it up! :P lol and she was telling me that it needed to be super duper long! Ha! Can you believe her bossy-ness? lol I'm kidding WBFL (I hope I said it right lol) :P This chapter is really short but it sets up what is going to happen in the next chapter very nicely :)) So don't kill me Nadie Rae!! xP

Also, this chapter is dedicated to all of you who have ever fallen in love with a character in a book. I'm guilty :)

Well on to the chappie :)


Chapter 34-Gabriel

“Tomorrow.  Tonight I have to get you home.  It’s late and your mom is probably worried about you right now.”  I said. 

As if I could predict the future, Gwen’s phone started to ring and she looked down at it, hesitating; not wanting to answer.  “You should get that.”

“No, I don’t want to go home like this Gabriel.  I want to know about this other path.”  She crossed her arms over her chest and stood her ground.

I took the phone from her hand but she quickly tried to get it back.  We wrestled for it and I noticed that she had fast reflexes.  She tried to calculate my next move but I was too fast for her.  I back away from her, testing to see what she would do.  Gwen begins to start running towards me and she leaps on top of me, wrapping my arms around her waist while I fall backwards on the ground.

There is a loud thunk as my back hits the hardwood floor.  Gwen laughs and I give her a haughty look but she responds, “You shouldn’t have taken my phone away if you didn’t want to suffer the consequences.”

There’s a strand of her hair that has been misplaced from her pony tail and I reached out to tuck it back behind her ear.  “I should have known that you are more than capable of fighting back.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t underestimate me.”  She says, while getting up and offering me her hand.

I take her outstretch hand but pull her back down with me.  She wiggles around to stand up but I hold her firm on my lap.  She giggles and finally gives up and rests her head on my chest.  “I’m glad you’re okay.”

I smell the rich honey scent that engulfs her and breathe her in, not willing to let her go.  She melts back in my arms and I count the number of breaths she takes with the beating of her heart.  There needs to be something more to her life than what has been laid out for her.  What’s the reason for Gwen’s fate to have been altered?

“You’re right.”  She whispers.  “I think I should go home.”

Reluctantly, I let her go and we get up from the floor.  “C’mon, I’ll drive you home.”  I said.  Gwen nods and grabs her stuff from the living room and meets me by the front door.  Her eyes are weary and I have the impulse to carry her in my arms but knowing that if I do then I’d never want to let her go, never wanting to let her out of my sight.


The following day I start to train Gwen after school.  The first step to training is conditioning and I take her out on a mile run to start things off.  We run in the woods behind my house and follow a path that has been laid out by years of hikers coming to this part of the woods.

We begin to run. At first, Gwen runs for a long period of time but after that we have to stop every few minutes because Gwen isn’t accustomed to working out.  Every time we stop, I watch her chest fall rapidly taking in as much air as she can.  I tell her to breathe slow and even breaths.  She listens and when she is ready to continue, we begin to run again. 

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