Chapter 33-Hope and faith

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This chapter is dedicated to the above because she is a new fan and her comments are really sweet! :)) She's a cool kid. I am thankful for you reading Gwen and Gabriel's story kiddo! :D

Well....without further ado :)


Chapter 33-Hope and faith

I watched as Gabriel’s body convulsed on the bed.  It was worst than what I had seen him go through when his powers were taken away.  This was worst, far worst.  He let out an agonizing tight scream as he grasped the sheets on the bed.  The veins on his arms popped out of his skin and I could see the blood coursing through his body.  His back arched and there were painful tears streaking down his face.

I ran to kneel by his side and held his hand in mine.  He crushed it and I gasped at the fire that begun to settle over me.  It was the same spark that we had experienced a few minutes ago but this time it was intensified; quadruple the amount of energy that we had felt.

“Gwen….get away.”  Gabriel breathed out.  He clenched his teeth and tried to push me away but I wouldn’t let go.  “Please.”

“No.  I’m not letting you go.”

He let out another agonizing scream and I bit my lip, holding back the tears in my eyes at bay.  He was in so much pain and I could feel a glimmer of what he felt.  His bones were somehow moving and settling in place again, his blood was running fever hot through his system, making the transition of magic returning to his body. As minutes passed, the fire coursing through me began to recede and Gabriel’s convolutions began to cease.  He was breathing hard by the time his body stopped with the ripple of spasms.  His grip on my hand lightened and I felt safe to crawl back into bed with him. 

I curled up next to him, allowing my body to give him heat because his body was ice cold when I touched him.  He was shivering and he began to run a cold sweat.  I grabbed the covers and covered him with it while I pressed myself to his chest on the outside of the blanket.  I leaned my head to his chest and heard the rapid beating of his heart.  It was beating twice as fast as mine. 

There was a knock on the door and I quickly got out of bed to answer it. 

Calder was standing in the doorway with a small smile on his lips.  I didn’t understand why he was happy and I wanted to slap the smile off his face.  Woah…calm down, I told myself.  This isn’t Calder’s fault.   

His hand rested at the back of his neck and he said, “I’d be tense too if I saw someone I loved going through pain, Gwen.”  He motioned me to come into the hallway and I looked back to see Gabriel’s eyes closed, sleeping soundlessly with the blanket clutched in his hands.

I followed him down to the kitchen while he said, “I was happy to see that he got his powers back but not about the withering pain that we have to go to.  He’ll be fine after he rests.  It won’t be as agonizing as when he got his powers taken away.  The hardest part is over.”  Calder said, taking a glass out of the cupboard and asking, “Coke?”

“Yes, please.”

Sometimes, I forgot that Calder could read my mind as easily as he could send me telepathic messages.  I felt guilty thinking that I wanted to slap him when I saw the smile on his face.  He was right to be happy for Gabe getting his powers back and as he explained he wasn’t happy because of the pain that he somehow knew Gabriel went through.

I watched his movements, graceful and saw that he was fully aware of his surroundings like Gabriel.  “You know, I’ve never understood why he loved you all these years.”

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