Chapter 7-Gabriel

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Chapter 7-Gabriel

I sat in Calculus, waiting for the bell to ring for Lunch.  I had it all planned out.  Knowing Gwen, if I bumped into her she might invite me to eat lunch with her and her friends.  That was step one.  It sounds like I only care about trying to get on her good grace’s but if I make even the slightest mistake, then I’ll never get a second chance again.  My time here was crucial and I needed to make it the best that I could do.  I could cast a spell and make Gwen trust me but I couldn’t do that to her.  Not after the memory spell.  I couldn’t just keep casting spells for my own selfish reasons.  If I was going to do this, I was going to do it to the best of my abilities and not using spells to do my work.

The bell rang and I headed for the cafeteria.  I didn’t even have to pretend to run into her because she found me.  I was getting my tray of food together when she almost spilled her food on me.

“Woah, easy there.”  I said righting her balance.

“Thanks.  I was actually looking for you.”  She said.           

“What for?”  I asked.  I already knew what she was going to say but I still needed to keep up with pretenses.

“Well, I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and my friends for lunch.”  She gestured towards a table in the left hand corner of the cafeteria where her friends were sitting.

“Sure.”  I followed her and grabbed a seat across from her.

“Molly, Tristan, Tammy, Kyle” She motioned towards each of her friends and then said pointing to me, “This is Gabriel.”


“What’s up.”  The one named Kyle said, offering me a hand.

After five minutes of sitting with Gwen and her friends; I suddenly grew to hate my plan.

All through lunch they asked me questions about my life and where I came from.  It was a never ending interview.  Gwen never asked anything.  She just listened attentively; storing everything I said in a file and saving it for later.  I knew that they meant well by asking all about me but there is so much that a guy can take and this was too much even for me.

“Canada?”  Tammy exclaimed.

“Yes," I lied.  "I moved there a couple of years ago and now I’m back.”

“Back?”  Molly questioned.  “You mean, you use to live here?”

“Yes, for a while.”

“So do you remember anyone from back then, man?”  Triston asked.

“No.”  I couldn’t help but look at Gwen.  At the same moment she looked up at me.  Our gazes locked and there was something in her eyes.  I wasn’t sure what it was; recognition, doubt, hope.  Could she possibly be remembering?  She broke eye contact first and it felt like everything had been frozen for just a brief moment in time but then continued.

There was a pause and then Tammy spoke up.  “So, if you don’t mind me asking, what happened yesterday with you and Gwen?”

I was momentarily caught off guard.  Gwen elbowed Tammy and she cried out in pain.  “What I’m just asking.”  She said to Gwen.  “I think everyone wants to know.”  She said rubbing her arm.

Gwen had suddenly blushed and was looking down at her tray.  She tried to hide her face behind her hair but it didn’t work.  I could see passed it.  “Well, I don’t know actually.  We were just talking and then she fainted.”  I said not going into detail.  Gwen looked up from her tray and mouthed “Thank you”.  I slightly nodded in response and took a bite of my apple.

“I guess.  But-”

“C’mon, Tammy.  That’s all that happened.  Accept it.  There doesn’t have to be a reason for everything.” Kyle teased.

That led to a whole discussion between Molly and Tammy against Kyle and Triston.  Gwen and I listened intently on their conversation.  It was the battle of the sexes and at the moment Molly and Tammy were beating Kyle and Triston.  By the look on their faces, they were not too happy about it.  I caught Gwen smiling at me and I couldn’t help but smile back. 




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