Chapter 4-Gwen
"Well, sweetie I think you are ready to go." She said taking the last thermometer out of my mouth. "Just come back if you start to feel dizzy or have a headache, okay? That was quite a fall you had."
"Okay, Ms. Lenriz." I smiled. I was so relieved to finally get out of this place.
I grabbed my stuff, which I found out later that Gabriel had brought in, and headed out the door. Outside the nurse’s office, kids were grabbing things out of their lockers and socializing before next period started. I looked down at my watch and saw that I had exactly five minutes to get to class. That is when I bumped into someone. That someone turned out to be Gabriel.
"Oh, hey." I said mumbled.
"Hey. So I'm guessing they let you out of the joint?" He laughed.
"Ha-ha. Very funny." I paused and began to speak in a British accent. "I'm actually glad to be out of there. It was becoming quite dreadful."
"I think you're the comedian here." He smiled and ran his hand through his hair. "Well, I'm glad you’re better. I'm sorry, but I have to get going to class. I'll see you around." He finished and headed into the direction that I was going.
"Hey, wait!" I said, catching up. He walked pretty fast. "What's your next class?"
"Let's see,” He reached into his back pocket and unfolded his schedule. "Room 212. Anatomy, with Ms.-"
"Anthony." We both said simultaneously.
He smiled at me. "Yeah, do you have that class next?"
"Yes, I do. And I promise I won't flip out on you." I said holding my hand up in honor.
His eyes gleamed and he gave me a side glance smile. "I will hold you accountable for that."
We walked, side by side, to class. I was suddenly very aware of my body and noticed the slight touch of our hands when they graced upon skin. I also noticed that something was different as we walked to class. Everyone kept on whispering to one another as we walked past. Gabriel seemed to also notice because I saw him tense and his jaw tighten. I was afraid that I had missed something but I didn't want to ask him just yet. Maybe they’re talking about you, I thought.
When we reached class, Gabriel once again sat next to me. It also dawned on me that in most of my classes I sat alone. It was very convenient. We sat silently doing book work when I heard my name. I looked back to the place where my name had originated but I couldn't distinguish who had said it. Gabriel stiffened next to me but continued to do his work. I decided to take a chance and ask him now. Maybe he'd know what was going on. The way he had been reacting was also an indication that he knew.
"Hey,” I leaned in and whispered to Gabriel. "Do you know why people keep acting so strange when we pass by?"
He looked up from his book and his eyes focused on me. "Well,” He started but hesitated. I waited until he was ready to tell me. "People have been talking about what happened this morning. They say that you deserved what happened to you.” He said while absent mindedly tapping his pencil on the desk.
I took a moment to process all this and said, "And you don't agree with them?" I questioned.
"Well, now. How can I agree to something like that, Gwen?" He said it sincerely and I was baffled by what I thought.
When I looked up, I met his eyes and I knew that he meant the words he just said. That's when I knew that I could be friends with him. He was sincere and kind, not to mention that he had a sense of humor. Even after what happened this morning, he didn't seem to hold it against me, not like everyone else seemed to be doing.
Gabriel looked up again, confused. "What for?"
"For not thinking I'm some sort of crazy person. For not think that I'm rude and..."
"You're not. No matter what everyone thinks otherwise." He put his hand reassuringly on my arm then quickly pulled back.
He got back to work and I tried not to let him see that I was smiling. His touch left a burning sensation on my skin. I couldn't help but feel a strange pull towards him. Was it attraction? Or was it merely the fact that he was different than any guy I had ever met? Whatever it was, I knew that Gabriel and I could be friends...I hoped. I was touched by his kindness but also confused by the way he would immediately pull back whenever he reached out to me. Maybe he thought he was being overly friendly and he didn't want to give me the wrong idea. It was wrong for me to feel the way that I did when I just barely met him...but there was just something about him that seemed familiar.
Nonetheless, I needed to stop focusing on him and start thinking about something else because if I didn't, well then, I was going to be in trouble. He's doing something to me, I thought, something that I've never felt before. C'mon...I needed to get a grip. He was just an ordinary guy who just moved here and was just being friendly. I would be friends with him because Gabriel was the kind of person that I knew I'd like to be around. He was definitely different and that was something new in this small town.
Don't forget to comment and tell me what you think. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I know that it wasn't very interesting but it was necessary for the plot :)

Escaping Death [Watty Awards]
FantasyWhen Gabriel Montehue comes back into Gwen Hampton's life, she doesn't know what to expect. A turn of events occur and suddenly Gwen can not remember a single thing about him. He becomes a stranger in Gwen's eyes; completely forgetting that they've...