Internships part 1/3

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Authors note: I'm alive I swear I just wrote a lot, this chapter was gonna be a lot longer but I decided to just split it up, but anyways enjoy :)


{Y/n}'s POV:

We had the sports festival yesterday we won't be going to school for a few days to let our injuries heal, mom said she was proud to see me during the sports festival.

Although sense the festival mom's phone had been ringing a lot, she'll glance at her phone to see the number but hangs up immediately..? After a few hours she blocked the number.

"Who was that?" I asked.
"Oh just a spam caller don't worry about it~!" She said.
"It doesn't really seem like nothing they keep calling you-" I was saying till she snapped at me.
"-I said don't worry about it!" She snapped.
"Alright sorry...!" I said deciding to not question anymore.

*after a few days*

We were told to come back and just go to school so I got ready, said bye to mom and went to campus with Izu.

While the two of us were walking we saw Katsuki.

"Oh hey Katsuki!" I smiled.
"Hey Kacchan!" Izu waved.

He grumbled and walked away towards campus.

"Is he alright?" Izu asked confused.
"I was gonna ask you the same thing..." I said confused as well.

"Hey uh Katsuki...?" I called out.
Katsuki stopped walking and looked back at the two of us glaring.
"You alright...?" I asked.
Katsuki just scoffed and grumbled as he continued to walk to class.

I think he's angry cause he didn't like how his fight with Shoto went...

We all got to class and I swear on the way here people were looking at all of us like we were celebrities...!

Someone even asked to take a picture with Shoto and I during lunch. People thought about asking Katsuki but he glared at them when they got within 10 feet of him... Some people glared at him for his fight with Uraraka..

Though in class Mr Aizawa explained to us that we'd be interning with some pro heros for a week! He said we have til the end of the day tomorrow to decide where we intern at.

Mr Aizawa showed that lots of pros requested, Shoto, Katsuki, and me to intern with them. Everyone was going to be allowed to intern with a pro.

I had the most requests...! Then Shoto, and then Katsuki!

Mr. Aizawa gave us all a list saying where we could intern at.

Mine was 3 pages covered front to back...

I haven't even hear of some of these hero..! There's so many...!

At the end of the day Izu wanted to talk to All Might about who he recommends Izu to intern for so I walked home with Katsuki.

Katsuki and I went to a park and laid in the grass, both of us not wanting to go home yet.

I looked over at Katsuki who still had his jaw clenched with the medal in his mouth.

"You've been quiet all day...! Doesn't you're jaw hurt? It's been clenched sense the festival I'm assuming?" I asked.
Katsuki shrugged but then nodded.
"Is your jaw stuck or something?" I chuckled.
Katsuki knodded.
"Aww do you want help." I smiled.
Katsuki nodded.

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