Internship 2/3 :Manipulation

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Author's note: I might post the next chap next week because it's really short compared to what I usually do, this one is also kinda short so I'm sorry about that.  Also sorry for errors I didn't rerereread (yes I meant all the re's) cause I'm tired and a bit on the busy side. But enjoy this chapter :)


{Y/n}'s pov:

When I woke up, I was tucked in. I found a note on the nightstand.

Be back soon
-Tamaki :)

I went to check the time on my phone 9:19AM, I saw I had a bunch of missed FaceTime calls last night from Katsuki.

I immediately called him back hoping it wasn't too late.

He answered but looked upset.

"Yah know if you weren't gonna answer my calls you could have at least sent me a message..." he glared.
"Katsuki I'm so so sorry! I got off patrol late, there was a mugger..., and I ended up passing out while eating ice cream with Amajiki! I completely forgot to call you!" I said apologizing like crazy, "please please please forgive me...!"
"Woah woah woah rewind! You were mugged?!" Katsuki said completely changing moods.
"Oh well the guy tried but I kicked his ass!" I said proudly, "but he just needed some money to eat and was a bit in the polite side so I bought him some pizza!" I smiled.
"To think I was proud for a second..." Katsuki sighed, "listen you're forgiven but please tell me you were safe right...?" He asked.
"Yup! I swear!" I smiled " Now I'm in my nice and comfy hotel bed!" I grinned.
"What about you?" I asked.
"Getting ready for my internship shouldn't you be too?" Katsuki questioned.
"Oh Fat Gum said I could sleep in and come in at 12 as long as I bring him ice cream!" I smiled.
"And did you?" Katsuki asked with a slight chuckle.
"Yup!" I smiled. 

"Hey so are we still up for our lil sleepover after work?" I asked.
"Oh yeah definitely. I'll pick you up at the Fat Gum agency and we can go to your hotel together. Okay?" Katsuki asked.
"Oh okay!" I smiled. 
"Alright well I gotta go so I'll see you tonight." Katsuki said.
"Alright bye!" I smiled as we hung up.

"RISE IN SHINE SLEEPING BEAUTY!" Mirio yelled bursting threw the door jumping on top of me, "Amajiki and I brought you a muffin! We got you tea and a coffee, we didn't know what you'd like more so we got both! I'll drink whatever you don't." He said looking up at me.

Ow... my stomach is sore from yesterday...

"Well good morning to you too." I said as Mirio laid on me.
"Mirio... why'd you have to jump on her...?" Amajiki sighed walking in, "I'm sorry {Y/n}, I asked Mirio to bring me some fresh clothes and he insisted on coming to see you..."
"Oh it's fine don't worry Amajiki!" I smiled,"Thanks for breakfast you two!"
"Oh yeah no problem man!" Mirio smiled.
"Did you get anything for yourselves?" I asked.
"Oh we ate on the way here, Mirio got impatience and would have ate my food if I didn't eat..." Amajiki sighed.

"Soo Tamaki~ you spent the night here huh?" Mirio asked, still laying on me as I ate my muffin.
"O-oh uh y-yeah... why?" Amajiki asked nervously.
"Where'd you sleep?" Mirio asked with a cheeky grin.
"O-oh umm o-on the bed..." Amajiki said as his face was becoming red.
"Where else would he?" I asked.
"I'm only asking cause that means you two slept together~ Who was the big spoon who was the little one~?" Mirio asked.
"I dunno I passed out before the movie ended." I shrugged while finishing my muffin.
"I think Tamaki knows~" Mirio grinned nudging me, "so? Spill" he said looking at Amajiki.
"I- I don't wanna say..." Amajiki muttered, face completely red.
"Why do you wanna know so bad?" I laughed.
"Tamaki doesn't talk to much girls... mainly Hado, she's cool!" Mirio said, "but let alone be around one other than her, so him falling sleep in the same bed as one is surprising...!"

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