"I wasn't jealous!" Katsuki's POV

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Authors note: This is like last chapter just in Katsuki's POV and a little extra parts, especially at the end~! I was going to have it be in the same chapter but it was just really really really long. So I split it up. I know you all like my long chapters but I was also in a writers block at the moment. But I hope you enjoy!


Katsuki's POV:

"Bakubro! Come here and introduced yourself to everyone!" Kirishima said smiling and waving me down.

Everyone was in a group while I was leaning on a tree and some half n half hair colored guy sat underneath another tree. I wanted to go but only to be around {Y/n}. And only {Y/n}. I don't like her with those extras. She shouldn't be around them, only me.

"He's... Interesting..." I heard some extra with a tail say.
"Oh don't mind him! He's actually really cool once you get to know him, he just has anger issues." {Y/n} said with her beautiful awkward smile.

My {Y/n} was talking about me... how she thinks I'm a good person. I felt to happy to hear what she thinks about me.

I looked back at the group and saw {Y/n} wasn't there. Where was she?!

I glanced around the whole field and found her hugging some half n half extra...

"Hey! Half n' half! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I yelled.

I had no control of my body... it was like my so called "jealousy" took over.

"She offered to hug me so I accepted." half n half said. He hugged {Y/n} tightly and let her go.

"Oh hey Katsu-!" I yanked {Y/n}. I felt kinda bad, I gripped kinda hard.

"Ow!" She yelped...
"That didn't hurt dumbass." I yelled.
"You yanked my wrist and you held it tight, it hurt." She say pulling her wrist away.

"Are you alright {Y/n}?" Half n half said getting up.
"I'm alright, he just held it too tight." {Y/n} said with a weak smile.

Half n half made an ice cube and held it to {Y/n}'s wrist.

"Oh umm..! Thank you! You didn't have to do that thought! I would have been fine!" {Y/n} said.
"It's fine. It's my fault you got hurt, if I didn't accept your hug, he wouldn't have gotten jealous and hurt you." That bastard said glaring at me. I glared back and held {Y/n} close to me.
"I wasn't jealous half n half!" I yelled as I pulled {Y/n} by the wrist way from Todoroki.
"Then why won't you let me touch her? I'm not the one who hurt her."
"Guys relax! It's no big deal!" {Y/n} said trying to calm us down.
"He still hurt you... He won't even let me help you."
"Todoroki I'm alright...Katsuki just gripped a little too tight!" She said trying to calm him down. "And Katsuki, relax he's just trying to help!"
"Well he doesn't need to! Are you stupid or something dumbass! You're fine!" I snapped at {Y/n}.

Me and Todoroki kept arguing.

I ended yelling and arguing so much that it was like everything else was muffled. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. All I heard was a like ringing and muffled yelling.

All of the sudden I could smell burning. Like when I burnt that asshole who wouldn't leave {Y/n} alone at the entrance exams.

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