Bus ride (Katsuki's POV)

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Authors note:
Since this is Katsuki's POV it's gonna have the nicknames he uses. Here are most of them for those who forget;

{Y/n}- Dumbass, Shorty, Shortass, or just

Midoriya- Deku

Uraraka- round face or pink cheeks

Iida- glasses

Ashido- raccoon eyes or black eyes

Yaoyorozu- ponytail

Kirishima- shitty hair

Kaminari- dunce face, drooly

Todoroki- half-n-half bastard or icyhot

Sero- plain face

Mineta (doesn't actually get acknowledged by Bakugo in the anime so I made this one up)- Grape head

Enjoy the story~! ❤️

Aizawa said we were going to go to an off-campus building called the USJ and we were going to use our quirks in different zones to practice for rescues. All Might is supposed to be there along with pro hero 13 and Mr. Aizawa.

We also got our hero costumes today, we were told we could wear those or our PE uniforms. I'm sure everyone will wear their costumes though.

I got dressed. Threw the wall the guys and I all heard the girls squealing and screaming we just couldn't understand what they were saying though.

"You think they're alright?" Plain face asked Dumb hair.
"I'm sure they're fine...!" Dumb hair said nervously.
"Someone put their ear on the wall. If you hear 'EWW!!!' there's a bug or rat. I can't think of any other reason for them to scream..." Drooly said in a high pinch tone as if he was trying to sound like a girl saying ew.
"I'll do it! If there's something in there I'll run in and save them! They'll praise me and I'll probably even get to see them half-dressed too!" Grape head said practically drooling already.

Grape head put his ear on the wall and then looked disappointed.

"They're just complimenting each other's costumes..." Grape head said going back to his locker.

I'm glad {Y/n}'s alright. I remember what {Y/n}'s sketch looked like but I wonder how she looks in it...?

She probably looks beautiful like she always does. She looks amazing in anything she wears.

I quickly finished changing and when I was about to leave I heard Dunce face call me.

"Hey, Bakugo! I wanted to ask you something! It's about {Y/n}!" Dunce face said.
"What is it Dunce face?" I glared.
"You know how her and I are going on a date this weekend right?" He asked.
"Yeah what about it?" I said.
"Does she... talk about me? I know you two are close. Does she seem excited about the date or is she only going cause I gave her Mineta's phone or does she actually wanna go? I wanna try to hold her hand or something on the date, would she be okay with it or would it make her uncomfortable?" He asked.
"She doesn't like talking about that type of stuff to me or Deku. She doesn't talk about you. She doesn't seem excited or anything about your dumbass date. I'm sure she's only going because of Grape head trying to snap some pictures of her and don't hold her hand." I snapped at him.
"Jeez, you don't have to be all mean about it! Are you mad about me taking her out or something?" Dunce face asked.
"Of course I'm not! She's my friend! I'm not being mean I'm just being fucking honest! You asked a question and I was being honest!" I snapped.
"Then why can't I hold her hand?! Do you like her or something? Cause if it's a big deal just say so, I'll cancel it for you, but if I cancel, Kirishima said he'd ask her out." Dunce face said.
"I don't 'hAvE a ThInG fOr HeR!' Do what you want! Go on a crap ton of dates for all I care! Just don't hurt her cause I don't wanna hear her whine about it later on!" I snapped at him.

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