Villain Attack Aftermath (Katsuki's POV)

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After I left the USJ I got my hands wrapped by some paramedic. I overused my quirk so it burnt the hell out of my palms.

As the paramedic wrapped my hands I would occasionally look behind me to see if I could see {Y/n} anywhere. She might be trying to get to Deku sense he stayed inside with All Might.

"You looking for someone kid?" The paramedic asked.
"That's none of your damn business... hurry up and wrap my hands so I can go..." I said impatient.
"Jeez no need the be a brat about it, it was a simple question..." The paramedic scoffed.
"Just mind your own damn business and I don't have to snap at you..." I scoffed back.

The paramedic finished wrapping and hands and I quickly left.

"About time...Thanks I guess." I scoffed and walked away.

{Y/n} is rubbing off on me... That dumbass being so damn polite all the damn time, she's gonna end up having me apologize all the damn time too jeez...

I stood around a pillar watching the USJ doors looking for {Y/n} but I still didn't see her leave...

She's alright right...? Did they catch her..? Is she even here?! What if they kidnapped her?! I should have ran after her... Wait what am I thinking... She's fine.. She's strong and tough, I would know I spar with her all the time! She can beat that blue haired bastard's ass in a heartbeat!

"*ribbet* Bakugo! Is {Y/n} alright? I saw her fighting a villain in the USJ, and she was still recovering from being strangled by that Shigaraki guy and from overusing her quirks, I couldn't find her so I figured you already saw her." Frog face said running up.
"Excuse me? What happened?! I haven't seen her!" I yelled.
"That Shigaraki guy wanted her to join him but when she said no he got angry and started choking her and she couldn't breathe, when she got away from him, her, Midorya, Mineta, and I all ran away from him and Midorya eventually ran off somewhere then {Y/n} got that Shigaraki guy to freeze while using a mind control quirk, I think, then when another villain saw he attacked her. Then the pros got there so I couldn't see her anymore. So I was hoping you knew where she was! *ribbet*" Frog Face said.
"I'd be with her if I knew where she was!" I snapped.

I ran off over to the USJ. I was gonna run in but one of the pro's stopped me.

"Woah kid sorry but you can't go in!" They said.
"Why the hell not?!" I snapped.
"I'm not aloud to say..." They said.
"Okay just tell me, is {Y/n} in there?!" I yelled.
"Which one is that?" They asked.
"{F/n} {L/n}! She has {h/c} hair and {e/c} eyes! About this tall! Really pretty!" I yelled.
"Ohhh that's her name? Yeah she just walked out a minute ago!" They said.
"Where?! Where did she go?!" I said.
"That way..." they said pointing.
"Got it!" I said running off.

Ok she's around here... I know she's safe but I still wanna make sure she's fine. Knowing her she's probably gonna not get checked by the paramedics because she "doesn't wanna bother them." Yeah not gonna happen when I find her. I'll carry that dumbass there if I have to...


{Y/n} I see her! She's a little wobbly while walking... Definitely overuse her quirk... That dumbass... But you can hardly tell she's off-balance, it's either not that bad or she's gotten better and pretending to be alright...

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