Entrance Exams! Part 1

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I woke up to my alarm going off. Today was the day for entrance exams. I hope Izu and Katsuki make it into UA.

I got dressed. I put on my middle school uniform, I guess we had to wear them to represent our school? I grabbed my bag and headed to UA. I was kinda nerve racking. But I gotta just power through!

I sent Izu and Katsuki a message wishing them luck and that I hope to see them at during the exams. Hopefully I'll see them there.

30 minutes later, I got to UA. Wow it looked huge! I just need to follow the crowd to the auditorium, not too hard! I hope...
All of the sudden I heard someone who sounded like Katsuki behind me scream.


Up. Definitely Katsuki.. I turn around and saw him shove... Izu! Out of his way, luckily a girl caught Izu. I think she used a quirk? Katsuki ran past me and into the building... hopefully he doesn't shove anyone else.

The girl who caught Izu started to talk to him. I was gonna turn around and run up to Izu but I didn't wanna interrupt their conversation. The girl was pretty. She had short brown hair and big brown eyes. Not to long after, the girl walked away from Izu. I walked over to Izu.

"Hey Izu!"
"Hey {Y/n}! You didn't see me almost eat it did you...?" he was embarrassed.
"How could I not, Katsuki was yelling and started to shove everyone in is way."
"So that means a lot of people saw it..." Izu was red trying to cover his face.
"Oh relax! It was nothing, besides at least you were falling cause you got shoved." I said playfully nudging him.
"Heh.. I guess you're right.." Izu said smiling.

We followed the crowd to the auditorium and went to get our assigned seats. We ended up right next to each other, we even sat with Katsuki.

I sat between the two. The assembly hadn't started yet so I decided to talk to Katsuki!

"Hey Katsuki!" I said with a cheerful smile.
"What the hell do you fucking want loser?! I don't have time for you or your bull-shit!"  He was meaner than usual.

My heart broke when he said that...

"Oh.. umm. Never mind! I'm s-sorry for bothering you-." My cheerful smile faded away.
"Oh just shut the hell up already! God you're so damn fucking annoying!"
"I-I'm sorry I-!"
"And stop always fucking apologizing! I can't fucking stand you apologizing all the damn time!"

He never was that mean to me. He wasn't mean to me anymore...at least I thought he wasn't...

I don't understand..

We were so close during summer! Shit! I saw him 2 days ago! He was nice and would be excited to see me! Now he's even meaner than back to how he was in middle school...

I was starting to think he cared and liked to hangout. I guess now he's back to "normal."

And to make thinks worse... people around us where starting. I could hear them talking about him and I..

"Oh.. that poor girl.."
"I know! He didn't have to be such an asshole!"
"Right! And like, he's right in front of her, he doesn't have to yell!"
"So mean..."
"And she looks so nice too!"
"Right! You can tell he really hurt her too!"

Izu heard him yelling at me. He got in front of me, Katsuki stood up and the two were face to face. Izu looked mad, but not intimidating. I don't think he could ever look intimidating..

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