Locker Rooms

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On the way to the locker rooms

{Y/n}'s POV:

The whole class was walking together.

I was walking with Izu, Kirishima, and Kaminari. Katsuki was behind me.

"Katsuki. Why don't you just walk with us? Instead of behind me?" I said walking backward to face him.
"No." Katsuki snapped.
"Why not?" I said slowing down letting the others go ahead.
"Cause I don't wanna walk with those damn extras." he glared at them.
" ' Those extras?' Aww you don't consider me an extra? This mean you actually consider me a friend?" I nudged him playfully.
"Shut up idiot." he snarled.
"I didn't hear a no~" I smiled at him.
"But you didn't hear a yes. Go with your loser friends."  He shoved me forward.
"Come walk with us! How about you hang out and try and be acquaintances with them? I'm sure you'll like them!"
"What if I said no?"
"C'mon.. please Katsuki?"
"Puppy dog eyes aren't gonna work on me dumbass!"

I wasn't trying to but I guess I'll do it on purpose.

"Please...?" I tried my best to do puppy eyes.
"Tch...Dammit {Y/n}! Fine..."

We caught up with the guys.

"Katsuki, this is Kirishima, Kaminari, and well... you already know Izu." I smiled.

Izu was to my left, Katsuki to my right, Kirishima was to Katsuki's right and Kaminari was to Kirishima's right.

Katsuki got along fairly well with Kirishima but he was iffy with Kaminari. But soon enough the three started to get along.

Katsuki refused to talk to Izu though... I hope that changes eventually...

All of a sudden I heard a girl yell.

"OMG {Y/n}!!! Hi!" I heard a familiar girl voice call out.

It was Ashido. She ran up and hugged me.

"Oh hey Ashido!" I hugged her back with a big smile.
"I'm so glad we both made it!" She said now just hugging my arm.
"Me too!"
"Soo... tho are these guys? I only recognize Kirishima."
"Oh! So, this is Kaminari, Midoriya, and Bakugo!"

It felt weird to call them by their last names.

"Ooo... Sooo which one's your boyfriend~?" She looked up at the four guys.

All 4 of the guys were red.

"Oh no! It's not like that! I'm not dating any of them. I just met Kaminari and Kirishima, Izu- Midoriya's my best friend and Kats- Bakugo is a friend." I said scratching the back of my neck with an awkward smile.
"Awww! That's too bad~ They're all blushing." She teased.

I laughed

"Ashido!!" Kirishima yelled.

"Oh by the way {Y/n}! When we get in the locker room, I wanna introduce you to the girls! I was talking to them right now and I saw you so I ran up!" She pointed behind her to the girls.
"Oh alright!" I said smiling at them and all the girls smiled and waved back.

"Go talk to them doll face! I'll wait for you." Kaminari said.
"Don't call her 'doll face' damn extra!" Katsuki yelled glaring at Kaminari.
"Oooo~ someone's jealous~!" Ashido said grinning at Katsuki.
"I'm not jealous! He can't talk to her like that!" Katsuki yelled.

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