Look me in the eyes and say that coward!

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Author's note: ok ok wow I didn't think people where actually gonna read my story. Thank you so much for reading, commenting, etc. Every time I see a notification I get so exited an I makes me want to write more an more! So anyways... Hope you enjoy!
POV Bakugo:

Things are gonna go back to normal now, she's gonna hate me because of Deku. At least I got to enjoy last night. I should have asked for her number.

"I don't think I've said this yet but thanks for getting my bag yesterday! Also, I had fun hangout. Thank you for having me, I know you probably didn't want me spending the night. But it was nice to see this side of you. I hope we can become good friends." She smiled.
"Sure whatever" I scoffed.

Oh boy, here comes Deku...
POV {y/n}:

"Hey Izu!"
"Hey {y/n}! Hi Kacchan!" Izu smiled and walked beside me.
"So how was is meeting Kacchan's mom?"
"Scary at first but she's actually really cool! Oh an she showed me these"
I showed Izu the picture.

"Did you really have to show him?" Katsuki scoffed, maybe he didn't like his mom showed me these?
"I thought they were cute an thought I would show Izu. There pictures of both of you anyways."
"Whatever." Katsuki just walked ahead..

"I don't think he wants to hangout with us."
"Yeah I'm just surprised he was nice to me yesterday. Probably because his parents were around."

We walked to campus with a couple feet away from Katsuki. He went back to being his usual self really quick; loud, mean, angry, etc.  We all went to class an Katsuki made is usual comments.

"Alright everyone, as you know, school is almost over with today being the last-" the teacher was cut off with everyone's excitement. Everyone was using their quirks, cheering, screaming.
"Alright Alright! Calm down! You all know you can't use your quirks on campus!"
Everyone slowly but surely calmed down.
"So we are gonna just have a free day. So do whatever you want, so if you leave the room, let me know."

"Do you wanna hangout at park or my house after school?" Izu said as he pulled out his Hero Notes. "I have more quirks written down so you could learn some more quirks!"
"Sure! I'm ok with all of those or, maybe we could do all of them. I could always ask my mom if I could spend the ni-"
A paper flew past my face an landed on Izu's desk. It said;

Deku why don't you do us all a favor a take a swan dive off the roof. You're never gonna make it to UA you quirk less nerd.


I look over an see him an his friends looking in this direction. Katsuki was grinning until he saw me looking at him, he quickly turned around an snapped at his buddies to look away.
I looked at Izu just staring at the note. He was clearly upset about it.
"Izu.. don't listen to him.. he's an asshole.." I could see the pain in his eyes... "That's it..." I got up grabbed the note, walked over to Katsuki, an dragged him to the hallway throwing him out the door. You could tell he was embarrassed.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I yelled showing him the note.
"A note." He refused to look me in the eyes.
"Tell me. Do you think it's ok to tell someone to commit suicided?!"
"Yeah, he's a quirk less loser with no meaning." He still wouldn't look at me.
"Look me in the eye an say that."
"Katsuki Bakugo. Look me in the eye an say that." he flinched when I said his full name. I never do that.
"Tch, you fucking coward. Never again bully Izuku until you can look me in the eye an say that."
I was going to walk inside the classroom until as soon as I turned around Katsuki said,
"He's a quirk less loser who won't make it into UA and you know it." I walked right back to him.
"He could make it. With or without a quirk. He has the heart and the mindset of a hero, something you will never have."

I was going off an didn't shut up.

"You're just an asshole who makes fun of people to hide their insecurities so you can feel better about yourself."

Katsuki stayed silent.

The class heard...

"Tch. Here I was this morning thinking we could be friends..." I walked back into the class.

Everyone was looking at me then would turn to Izu who was smiling at me. I threw the note away an walked to my seat with Izu. And went back to our conversation.

I could hear the class.

"Damn it's about time she snapped."
"I'm surprised Bakugo didn't snap back."
"About time someone put him in his place!"
"Good for her!"
"Does he have a soft spot for her?"
"Maybe! He would have beaten anyone of us to a pulp!"

Katsuki walked back to his seat with his friends. The gossiping stopped an everyone went back to their conversation from before.
A little later,the teacher put a movie up and I just put my head down while Izu wrote his notes. Luckily his note book didn't take much water damage from Katsuki throwing it into a fountain.

"Hey Izu I'm gonna take a nap, wake me up after class?" I said yawning.
"Well yeah!" Izu said smiling.

I put my headphones in an my head down. I was about to take a nap but something didn't feel right. It felt like someone was starring at me.

Maybe it was Izu? He could have been updating his quirk analysis? I glanced up an saw him just writing in his notes. Ok so it wasn't him... I looked around. Katsuki was starting at me. Probably just mad I embarrassed him. I shrugged at it and went to sleep.

After school I woke up in a panic. I jumped up to hear the class screaming. It was actually cheering but it's scary to wake up to that. Everyone was excited to because school was over.
"You alright {y/n}?" Izu was worried.
"Yeah! Everyone yelling just caught me off guard. It's a little scary to wake up to that, ya know?"
"Yeah." He just smiled an put his stuff away.
We walked out last. Everyone had ran out.

"Let's stop off at home an get out of our uniforms, then we can go to the park."

We walked home. But it felt like we were being followed. I turned around. No one was there.

"Something wrong?"
"No, just thought someone was back there... Probably nothing.."
"Yeah an if it is, we're both together! We would be able to take em!" Izu said with a big smile.
"Oh yeah."

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