USJ Incident

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There was a purple swirl forming in the middle of the USJ and people were coming out of it.

"Oh cool! Is this for us to practice our quirks?" Izu said.
"No! They're not!" 13 yelled
"Then that means..." I said in awe.

"Why hello there~! WE! Are the League Of Villain! And we will destroy All Might... So tell us, where is he?" A guy with blue hair said.

They're villains...

"Everyone retreat! This is a battle we can't win, there is not enough of us, let's leave while we still can...!" 13 said.

Some purple guy and a vest appeared and blocked the exit.

"Sorry, not gonna happen." The guy said.

"{Y/n}... stay close to me..." Katsuki whispered.
"Yeah yeah, looks who's telling me what to do again...!" I whispered back.
"Ok {Y/n}... later alright? I just wanna keep you close by alright...?!" Katsuki whispered.
"I appreciate it but Katsuki I'm trying to be a hero too. I haven't overused my quirk so I don't have a weak point right now... I can take care of myself..." I whispered back.
Katsuki scoffed and just stood closer to me...

"Thirteen. Protect the students." Aizawa said.
"Alright!" Thirteen said as Mr. Aizawa jumped down and went to fight the villains.

All of a sudden the purple dude put the smoke all around us and we teleported! We teleported to different parts of the USJ!

I got teleported over with Mr. Aizawa.

"{Y/N}! What are you doing down here?!" Mr. Aizawa yelled.
"That purple dude in the vest teleported all of us and separated us around the USJ!" I yelled as a villain tried to grab me but I flipped them over and kicked them in the stomach, leaving them trying to catch their breath.
"Teleport back to school and get help!" Mr. Aizawa yelled.
"I can't! I don't know any teleportation quirks!" I yelled.
"Use that villain's quirk!"
"I don't know how it works!"
"Get out of here then! Help out the others!" He yelled.
"What about our quirks?! We can't hurt anyone with our quirks legally!" I yelled back throwing a villain in another one.

"Oh right..." he said punching a villain, "EVERYONE! YOU CAN USE YOUR QUIRKS!"
"On it!" I could hear everyone yell back.

I was about to run off but the villain who kept jumping at me got up and finally grabbed me.

"Where do you think you're going?" They said cockily.
"Anywhere but here that's for sure!" I yelled flipping them over me, "Now fuck off!" I yelled dislocating their shoulder and blowing them away with a wind quirk.
"Watch you're mouth {Y/n}!" Mr. Aizawa snapped.
"Yeah yeah" I said I stuck my tongue out and laughed.
I could hear the smallest chuckle from Mr. Aizawa.

"I'll be back Aizawa!" I yelled.
"Can't stop you!" He yelled back.

I ran off to help Thirteen with some of the villains but I heard yelling in the pile of destroyed buildings so I ran over.

"{Y/N}!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I heard a yell.

It sounded like Katsuki!

"Katsuki?!" I yelled back.
"{Y/n}?! Where are you?! Are you alright?!" Katsuki yelled.
"I'm outside the zones, I was on my way to help Thirteen but I heard yelling over here so I ran over!" I yelled

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