Back at School

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Authors note/TW:
There will be the mentioning of blood near the end, not very graphic but it's there so if you're uncomfortable with that skip Katsuki's POV. Also I'm sorry I didn't post this sooner, I've been super busy with school work and I even caught a cold so that's kinda slowing me down (I'm alright though I swear), but anyways enjoy the story and thank you so much for reading!


"{Y/nnnnn}!!!! Kacchan!! Wake up! We're back on campus." Izu yelled.

I could feel Izu poke and squish my face and as I woke up I saw Shoto throw what looked like... ice cubes...? Ice chunks at Katsuki...

"Hmm..?" Katsuki said waking up, I guess he fell asleep too.

"Get up so {Y/n} can go..." Shoto glared throwing another ice chunks at Katsuki.

"Move out of her way." Shoto said as he tossed another one.
"Geez, you don't have to be so loud..." I said in a sleepy voice
"I apologize." Shoto said with a bow.
"Shoto you don't have to be so formal~ we're friends after all~!" I smiled at him.
"Right." Shoto said with a small grin. 

I looked down and saw two of Shoto's ice chunks. I picked it up an playfully thew it at the two boys.
The two looked at me and Shoto chuckled and Katsuki yelled.
I couldn't help but laugh.
Shoto gave me a soft smile then glared at Katsuki.
" Get out of her way." He threw another chunk.

I laughed and jumped over the seat. Getting off the bus with Izu. Leaving Katsuki yelling and Shoto just throwing ice at him. Not hard but it was most likely cold and bothersome... I doubt the guys even noticed I was gone.

"So~ You got training today?" I asked Izu as we got off the bus.
"Nope! I'm free today! Your mom working late again today?" Izu asked.
"Most likely... She always volunteers to take the night shifts cause they pay more..." I sighed.
"Do you have plans with Kacchan?" Izu asked.
"Nope. I plan on sparing with him tomorrow and then I have my date with Kaminari this weekend." I asked.
"Where are you two going?" Izu asked.
"I think an arcade?" I said. "Hey Kaminari!"
"What's up doll face?" Kaminari came up with a big grin.
"Are we going to the arcade this weekend or did you have something else in mind?" I asked.
"I was planning on taking you to the arcade, is that alright?" Kaminari asked.
"Oh yeah that's perfect! I haven't been to an arcade in forever!" I smiled.
"Great! I'm gonna make sure it's the best date you've ever had!" Kaminari smiled.
"I look forward to it." I said giving him a warm smile.

Kaminari then got red and was panicking running over to all the girls asking what girls like to do on a date. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Seems like you'll have a fun date." Izu chuckled.
"Honestly, I'd be happy if we just play video games and eat pizza for dinner, so I hope he doesn't worry too much." I smiled.
"Do you wanna come over and hang out today?" Izu asked.
"Yeah of course! We haven't hung out as much as we used to since you started your training all the time." I smiled.
"We haven't...! But I'm just gonna give you a heads up, My mom keeps saying how much she misses you so she might want you to spend the night." Izu chuckled.
"Aw!!! I love your mom, she's so sweet!" I smiled. "Let's stop off at my house so I can get some clothing." I smiled.
"Alright fine by me! Also I think she's making {food you really like} for dinner, is that okay?" Izu asked.
"Oh yeah that'll be awesome! Man I love that, it's also been a hot minute since I've had a home cooked meal!" I said excitedly.
Izu chuckled and smiled at me.

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