Boring Explanations

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"I have to say, this is not how I imagined spending my Saturday."

"Neither did we," Percy said, gesturing to him and Annabeth, both who look annoyed at the world.

"I'm literally getting porcelain shards removed from my arm right now and my mother wants me dead and immortal at the same time. You two sit down," I snapped bitterly as Will grabbed another piece of porcelain with his tweezers and placed it on the bed pan making me grimace in pain. The cabin counselors were all sitting at their usual spot including Reyna, Hazel, and Frank. When I left, Leo informed Chiron who forced the counselors awake and called New Rome to wake them up too.

Will picked up another shard making me flinch and hiss at him.

"Dude, easy!"

"It would hurt less if you didn't flinch!"

"How the hell am I not supposed to flinch when there's shit in my arm and I haven't slept in 22 hours and Chiron won't let me sleep?!" I snapped glaring at Chiron in fury as I felt my eye bags grow heavier with each second.

"How does sleep deprivation affect your flinching?"

"Oh it doesn't, I just wanted everyone in this room to know Chiron is the worst," I explained smiling darkly.

"Okay, can we get back to actual business?" Reyna asked impatiently making me slump in my seat. "What exactly did your...mother tell you?" Reyna asked, turning to me as everyone else did the same making me sigh dramatically.

"Why do you people think I know everything?"

"Because you usually do?" Nico replied, raising an eyebrow moodily as I gave him an irritated look. I tsked absently, rolling my eyes.

"Fine, but I'm only saying this one more time," I stressed, pausing for a moment. "I woke up from a nightmare where Oizys was taunting me about how I'm useless and have no power. We bickered until I woke up and... I ran to bunker nine because I knew Leo probably fell asleep there. I woke him up when I saw he was having a nightmare too and muttering something about being grounded. I automatically assumed Oizys was the reason and of course I was right because I'm always right. I called Melanie to the edge of camp and used her to shadow travel to the mansion of night-" I rushed as everyone tried to keep up with my speech but was suddenly interrupted.

"I'm sorry you willingly traveled to the edge of Tartarus?" Percy interrupted in disbelief as everyone stared at me in shock or astonishment.

"Nyx kids aren't as affected by the manor or Tartarus as normal demigods or mortals. Actually, it gives us a boost in power and strength. So yeah, I'm amazing, that's my thing. Keep up," I answered calmly, taking a deep breath before I continued my tangent.

"Anyway, where was I before I got rudely interrupted? Oh yeah, so I ran into Philotes, one of my half-sisters, and was forced into a dress because of a stupid dress code. I called a family meeting-"

"A family...meeting?" Reyna questioned, astonished at the idea of the darkest gods in the universe casually sitting down for cup of tea with each other. I took a deep breath to try to stop myself from screaming at my interrupters.

"Yes. It is an important procedure in my family to establish order so we can actually get done unlike your guys's stupid parents. Now may I please continue?" I asked gritting my teeth making everyone nod urgently.

"Anyway, I called a family meeting and thirty minutes later they all arrived, we sat down and I started accusing my mother of purposely taking away my powers-"

"But your half sister said the others voted to ground you-"

"DUDE." I hissed at Leo, agitated, making him put his hands up in defeat. "She lied. She does that because, oh I don't know, she's the goddess of depression and anxiety," I explained irritably.

"Now if I can continue please?" I asked, pausing only to be met with silence and simple nods of the head.

"Alright then. So anyways, I accuse her of taking away my powers to use me as bait to start a war with the Olympians and to use me as sympathy from the other gods to gain their trust and be on her si-"

"She did what?!"

"OH MY MURDEROUS GODS-!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as everybody started freaking out.

"What are we going to do?"

"How are we even going to stop this?"

"What's the plan this time?"

"What are you talking about? There is no plan and there will never be a plan for this," I said looking at them like they were crazy.

"What are you talking about?" Jason asked, confused. "Of course there's a plan, we need a plan, Kye."

"No, I already have a plan. You all aren't going to have a plan because none of you are getting involved."


"Kye, of course we're getting involved!"

"Are you crazy?"

"This concerns all of us!"

"Look, if any of you get involved it'll just piss off my mother even further and I don't think we can afford that right now. Unless any of you has another vial of physicians cure?" I asked raising my eyebrows in mockery, turning my head to everyone who awkwardly looked down. "Yeah, that what I thought."

"She's got a point, ya' know?" Oizys commented, appearing in an empty seat at the table making everyone jump except me. Reyna started to grab her sword but I made a hand gesture making her begrudgingly put it back.

"How the in hades did you-?"

"I'm amazing, that's how," she answered as she flipped her white hair dramatically. Everyone stared at her. "So...whatcha guys doing? What's your brilliant idea this time?" She questioned with her usual unnerving grin as she tilted her head at me.

"Please go away."

"Aw, did I make sissy mad?" She mocked, pouting as I continued to stare at her flatly making her stop and groan. "Ugh, you are so boring! I could kill someone and you would still not have a reaction!"

"I've gotten used to your insanity!"

"Ok but this time I actually have a reason to be here!" She defended leaning over the table making everyone else shutter and move their seats further from her. I raised an eyebrow, not buying it as she rolled her eyes and sighed. 

"Look, I don't want you guys to die because of mother being a big baby," she started genuinely but paused for a moment. "Personally, I much prefer Jackson's and Graces way of dying where you all "accidentally" run in front of monsters," she snickered making Percy and Jason glare at her. I took out my knife making her eyes go wider.

"Okay, okay, sorry! Geez...can't take a joke?"

"Oh yeah, haha," I snarked kicking her leg making her groan. "Why are you actually here?"

"I assumed you wanted to cash in your favor and I thought I should get it out of the way. You know I have much better, more important, things to do right?"

"Like torture other teenagers?"

"Exactly! You know me so well," she replied, placing her hand on her heart as I stared at her unamused.

"You really are no fun," she pouted.

Ignis // Leo ValdezWhere stories live. Discover now