An Average Weekend

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"Just a few more minutes," I assured as I typed the last paragraph of my essay for class and Leo clung to me like a needy koala. It was the last year of my college life and I had procrastinated on writing my 25-page essay until the very last few days.

"But... I want attention," he whined with his head in my shoulder making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah and I want to pass this class and neither of us will get what we want until I turn in this stupid paper that's due in an hour," I shot back calmly without taking my eyes off the screen and he huffed beside me. For a moment I though he had finally given up until I felt his hands travel up my back and start kneading my shoulders. My head lolled back subconsciously, losing my train of thought for moment before shaking my head and focusing on the paper.

"You know, it's a Friday night so..." he trailed off suggestively before kissing my jaw but I ignored him.

"I'm aware it's a Friday night," I stated calmly while aggressively pressing the backspace and erasing the entire last sentence I typed, deeming it unusable. Leo watched me do this over my shoulder and groaned into my hair. I rolled my eyes and quickly pecked him on the lips before turning my head back to the screen. When I finally finished the last paragraph he immediately started kissing my neck and shoulder but I kept my cool.

"I still have to turn it in," I informed him but he ignored me, practically burying his head in my neck with his hands on my waist.

"Hurry up, mi amor," Leo mumbled next to my ear and I involuntarily shivered. He grinned mischievously and continued kissing my skin longingly as I clicked through the websites contents where I was supposed to turn it in. I uploaded the document and clicked the green button to wait for the uploaded notification. The second the little banner came up saying it was turned in the chair I was sitting got turned around a very familiar pair of lips attached themselves to my own.

"Well hello there," I chuckled in between breaths, wrapping my arms around his neck and stood up.

"Hello, hermosa," he smirked before going for my neck and my head drooped to the other side lazily as I closed my eyes.

"Leo," I breathed out without thinking causing Leo's smirk to widen and us to stumble through the hallway to our bedroom.

Skipping over the happy fun times because my friend reads this and I will never live it down.

And no, this is not a pregnancy story. I'm better than that. Wrap it before you tap it, kids.


I woke up to the light of the afternoon sun slipping from the drawn curtains trying (and failing) to cover up the windows, an empty bed, and the faint smell of pancakes in the air. I pushed myself off the soft bed and stretched tiredly, glancing at the headboard behind me that had scorch marks in the shape of handprints.

I slipped out of the safe blankets and cool air hit my skin making me mutter to myself irritably. I picked up a rogue shirt off the ground and black shorts and put them on. I yawned and stretched and tried to come to life-

I mean, I yawned and rub my eyes moodily and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After a few moments I walked over to the bedroom door and opened the ajar door to be blasted with natural sunlight that came from the uncharacteristically uncovered windows.

"What the fu-" I hissed to myself but was stopped by the blissful smell of pancakes smacking me in the face. I blinked for a moment, standing perfectly still in fear I would crash into the walls due to my completely delirious state until I was ready to move.

I slumped through the hallway and into the kitchen where an annoyingly chipper man stood facing away from me and to the stove while humming softly to himself. I heard the familiar groan of the depressingly overused, painfully slow coffee maker in the corner of the announce that the coffee drip was about to come to an end.

A few seconds later it stopped slowly pouring into the black mug with gold constellations and stars printed on it, my all time favorite mug. I was so used to the routine every Saturday 'morning' my upkeep was now accustomed to it so every time Leo was gone on a weekend for anything I would laze around all day, miserable. Even he was so used to it, he could sense whenever I was walking up behind him.

"Good morning, my lady," he greeted, putting two fingers under my chin to tilt my head up and pecked me on the lips softly. I hummed, returning the kiss and huffed, burying my head into his side as he watched the pancake so it didn't burn.

"Why is the world so bright and why do I have to be apart of it?" I grumbled with my voice muffled in his shirt.

"Because you always make it so sunny?" Leo teased and I rolled my eyes at his joke with a hidden small smile. "A black coffee with a little bit of sugar for you," he announced, placing the black and gold mug into my hands making me cheer up slightly.

"And two pancakes with butter and syrup, just the way you like it," he smiled, placing a plate of pancakes in front of me as I stared at him. He looked back at me with an amused smile. "What?"

"Gods, I love you," I sighed, kissing him on the lips again.


We laid in bed, watching The Princess & The Frog, dreading the upcoming week that would come. I nestled into Leo's side, peacefully watching the part where Ray was fizzling out when I heard quiet sniveling next to me. I looked over at the source and saw Leo tearing up causing me to tsk with a smile.

"It's okay... he's with Evangeline," I tried to soothe with an amused smile making him cry even harder.

"They're just so beautiful together!"


The loud, jarring alarm sounded at its usual time, 6:00 AM on the dot causing both of us to groan loudly and I slammed the snooze button down.

"Five more minutes!"

Ignis // Leo ValdezWhere stories live. Discover now