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It all felt like a dream. Becoming a property owner and having financial and physical independence was only a fantasy not too long ago. To think a year ago she was laying in bed with her abuser and now she was standing inside of her own condominium. A place where she could finally rest her head at night knowing she could wake up to a peaceful home.

Chai's daydreaming was cut short by Asaad and Brynn hurling in her mattress that she kept from their apartment. Her mattress was the only furniture she was bringing because she wanted to have a complete fresh start. She didn't want any furniture from when she was living with her mother because it only brought back bad memories.

"I like how you done left us to carry this all the way up here," Brynn complained as she pushed the mattress while Asaad tried to pull it through the slender doorway.

Chai turned around and quickly rushed to help Asaad pull in the mattress. Once the mattress was fully through the door, they all let it flop into the middle of the living room area.

"Whew," Brynn's sigh of exhaustion echoed through the empty apartment that only had a mattress to it's name. Chai had yet to order furniture because she didn't know what she wanted. Her main focus was just getting into a space of her own so she didn't feel like an intruder in her sister's apartment.

"So what do you think?" Brynn asked once she got her breathing under control.

"I can't wait to make this place mine. Once I get some furniture and some accents going, it's going to be great."

Brynn smiled as she noticed pure happiness and optimism in her sisters voice. She was proud of Chai and was glad she was finally taking steps to he completely independent.

"You want us to stay with you for the night? It's a little empty in sure you're going to be comfortable?" Brynn asked she looked around at the vacant apartment.

"I need to get used to being here by myself. I'll be fine! I'm about to go to the store, buy some cleaning supplies and get started on this place,"

Brynn shrugged, "okay well the offer is still on the table. Just call us or come over if you feel even the slightest bit of unsafe, uncomfortable or—"

"Brynn I'll be fine. Thank you," Chai assured her big sister with a warm hug, "I love you. Thank you for taking me in and making sure I got on my feet. I know I haven't been the best sister to you so it means a lot that you still extended yourself to make sure I was okay. I owe you."

"You don't owe me a thing. Just continue to grow and better yourself as a woman. I'm proud of you, Chai."

Asaad's heart warmed as the two sisters embraced each other for an unofficial goodbye. He figured he should've let the two have their moment as he walked towards the door.

"Wait! Asaad,"

Asaad turned around to see Chai invite him into a hug. He smiled as he accepted the hug, also expressing how happy he was for her to start this new chapter in her life.

"Thank you for everything as well. You've been nothing but kind and accommodating to me even when you had no reason to."

"No reason to? We're family, Chai. You need anything, just let us know."

Chai grew emotional as she saw them pair together and prepare to leave. She knew they were only a few
minutes away but something about leaving the "nest" just got to her. Once she was completely alone, she locked the door and started to pace around the empty area.

"To new beginnings..."

     Denise wasn't a hard nut to crack when it came to sex. Within two weeks time, Saint and Denise had already hit third base as they both lied in her bed trying to catch their breath from their love session. They had been consistently seeing each other, sleeping with each other yet didn't put a title on any of it.

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