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"What is on your mind right now, Mr. Frost?"

Derek fiddled with his car keys as he laid back on the two-seater with a vengeful mind. It was getting harder and harder for Derek to cope with the breakup even though it had been two months since. He was starting to see things and he felt haunted by Chai's presence. It was a living hell for him. One minute he'd see her and his heart would fill with joy and then the next minute he felt lonely and stone cold because he no longer felt her presence. He confided in one of his close friends and they suggested a therapist to him. He decided to take the advice because it would probably be what Chai wanted him to do as well.

"I'm thinking about the studio right now. I have some ideas for a new beat and I'm fixing to get my hand on that mixing board."

Doctor Sandler nodded her head, "that's good. What have you been thinking about this past week?"

Derek smirked as he caught on to the little game she was playing. She wanted him to admit that he's been thinking about Chai. He didn't feel the need to admit it since they both knew it was obvious.

"Why you teasing me doc? You know I've been thinking about that little bitch." Derek started to spin the tiny metal rim of his house keys around his index finger.

"What makes her that?" Doctor Sandler fixed her pen onto her notepad, ready to jot down any necessary notes that might help her figure out what the deeper problem was with Derek.

"How she just gon' up and leave me, doc? I gave her everything. From the moment my career started taking off in high school, my senior year, she's been apart of everything! I moved her out of the shit house she was living in, spent thousands and thousands of dollars on designer and other luxuries—I treated her like a queen!"

"But you hit her, Derek." Doctor Sandler told the other side of the story.

Derek sighed, "only when she came out ha' mouth. You should've heard her, doc. Her mouth was reckless. Whenever she gets upset she completely forgets that you have feelings and she says whatever the fuck she can to piss you off."

"Okay but how do you explain the cheating? You said you weren't one-hundred percent faithful to her."

"She lacked in bed. All she did was lay there. Not once did she ever initiate sex. I always had to be the one to do it and I was getting tired of chasing her. If you supposed to be my woman, you supposed to take my dick out and suck that shit at random. I shouldn't have to ask you to suck my dick or fuck me. That should be a given."

Doctor Sandler maintained her composure despite the sudden discomfort she felt. It was obvious Derek was a narcissist and had little regards for a woman's feelings. He felt it was appropriate to take advantage of a woman and had little remorse for doing so.

"Have you ever once thought to stop and think about how she may have felt? I mean, you told me you used to hit her, cheat on her and I think it's safe to assume there's other things that have occurred that you'll probably never admit to me, which is fine but, have you ever thought that maybe she was fed up? Maybe she lashed out so viciously because there's so much built up anger and resentment towards you that she can't find a nice bone in her body when it comes to you?"

"That's exactly why she's a fucking bitch because after all I've done for her—"

"Derek," Doctor Sandler put her hand up for him to stop talking for a second. It seemed as though he did way too much of the talking and not enough listening,

"You could buy a girl the biggest diamonds, the most exclusive articles of fashion, the grandest of cars and fill her cup up with the richest wines but if you are not fulfilling her heart and her emotional needs, it will never be enough. You've been very generous to her, yes, but that does not make up for the lack of emotional support you've given her."

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